Two New Spaces Added On My Quora Profile!!

hi everyone! I have been on Quora for awhile. However, I had never explored further than reviewing and responding to questions. I just created two new spaces under my profile. One space is for the book #ConstructionTales and the other space is for the #VerballyDisastrous podcast. I have just opened myself up for questions. If I get involved in a good topic of conversation, I shall share it with you all as well. I shall see how it goes. Here is the Quora profile: Leslie Jasper - Quora If you follow me on Quora, I shall do the same. I shall speak with you all soon. As always, thank you for stopping by. Cheers! Leslie M. Jasper -Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast on Spotify (coming soon) #Quora #profile #StrongWomen #help #Strong #Women #Independent #power #StandInYourPower #questions #answers #topics #home #improvement #YouCanDoIt #suggestions #QandA #authors #blog #space #lens #viewpoint #discussion #listen #speak #beheard #Scholastic #nonfiction #booksta...