What Is Your Personality Acronym?

Photo Credit: www.mouth.com Hello Everyone! I stumbled upon yet another requested question on Quora. This seemed like another decent question for a young person to ask. As I stated before, I wish that I had this brand of advice when I was younger. Yes, I know that people heavily rely on the 16 personality traits, such as Socionics, in an effort to tap into and predict behavior of different types of people. Here are the 16 different types of personalities based upon Socionics: ESTJ ENTJ ESFJ ENFJ ISTJ ISFJ INTJ INFJ ESTP ESFP ENTP ENFP ISTP ISFP INTP INFP A test taker who desires to know their own personality type follows the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator in order to earn their behavior acronym. A fun fact is that the matriarch of inventor Myer Briggs, his mother Katharine Cook Briggs, first began research into personality types back in 1917. I went ahead and took the free personality test and I appear to be an INFJ-T. I am going to offer the link to the free personality exam...