Sharing Some Crazy Guy Audio Ramblings On YouTube

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having not too crazy of a Monday?! I hope you are having an easy breezy time with no issues. I am sharing some audio that I captured last week while walking home. I had some fella follow me for quite a ways while endlessly rambling nonstop about many things. Some of it was a political rant. He sounded mad at the world. He kept following me off Bell Blvd and for a few blocks. He must be known within the community. He stopped following me once an NYPD vehicle did a U-turn and approached him. I guess he didn't want any of that smoke and started walking back to Bell Blvd. I didn't like the unflattering video footage of the sky and my forehead, I was carrying a box when this happened, so made it into an audio format and then used Animoto to create the MP4 format again. Here are the several clips I caught while walking. I'm sure this guy's voice sounds unstable? Here are the clips that I loaded up to my Verbally Disastrous YouTube chann...