Advice: Why Are People Triggered By Hearing "No Offense"?

Best 100 Career Minded And Working Women Podcasts Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! May this windy a$$ Thursday be the only distraction to an otherwise smooth, problem-free day today. How is your schedule going for you on your side of the globe today? Your favorite New York construction worker chick has brewed up another Quora question and response for your reading pleasure today. For this blog post, I'm sharing this Quora question about why people get triggered by hearing the phrase "no offense" after receiving a dose of harsh truth. I found this to be a rather interesting question so I responded and opted to share with you. Over the years, I've learned that sharing some unsolicited harsh truth can be such a tight rope to walk. If you read my posts, you have figured out by now that I love people who don't beat around the bush and just say what is on their minds. Of course I'd like to ...