
Advice On Reviving A Dry Conversation

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! Are you enduring this frigid Tuesday evening to the best of your ability!? I scheduled a few dozen Tik Tok videos that I took on the day that I traveled to Manhattan for my first ever Broadway show on Saturday. As mentioned before, the play was hosted at the New Amsterdam Theatre that is located on Broadway & 42nd Street in Manhattan. The theatre looks very old and laden with history; opened in 1903. According to the website, the theatre closed down as a result of the Great Depression and sat vacant for 50 years. During the Mayor Guiliani era, 42nd Street, in Time Square in particular, started getting a makeover. I remember how seedy Manhattan was in the mid-90's and how it has transformed in the years since. Disney did a 99-year lease back in 1993 in an effort to restore the building to it's original glory. The building is a national landmark now. It took a team of 400 different trades, including engineers and pla...

Advice: Is "No Problem" A Response To "Sorry"?

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! How are you enjoying the remaining portion of your weekend on this chilly Sunday evening!? I did go to my very first Broadway show ever on Saturday. My friend had a connection to a person who plays in the orchestra of the play Aladdin so he invited us. The play was hosted at the New Amsterdam Theatre that is located on Broadway & 42nd Street in Manhattan. The theatre looks very old and laden with history; opened in 1903. The play had many moments of humor where I laughed out loud. It was indeed better than I expected. I would not have went if it wasn't for the invite. I have always anticipated it being boring. We did pack into the theatre like sardines. The mask wearing was strictly enforced in the theatre. What a beautiful location and cool experience. I took some videos of the old memorabilia and plan to load it to my Tik Tok and YouTube channel. While I'm at it, I might as well shamelessly promote my book entitle...

Sharing #ConstructionTales Global Audio Book Links And Paperback/E-book

Photo Credit: Construction Tales: Volume I: A Woman's Journey To Become An Electrician Photo Credit: Construction Tales: A Young Person's Guide To Accomplish Anything In Life Hello Everyone! How are you enjoying your ongoing weekend this Friday evening/Saturday early morning!? Try your best to dodge this brutal winter weather. If you are in warm weather, you can just carry on. Don't be jealous of our snow. Give me your address and I will send you all of the snow you can handle. I'm just kidding about sending you some snow. Come and get it yourself! :) While I have you annoyed, I might as well shamelessly promote my book entitled, "Construction Tales: Volume I: A Woman's Journey To Be An Electrician". It is available on Audible in audio as well as paperback and e-book for: Amazon, iTunes, and Barnes & Noble. I opted to add links to my blog since I add links to my other content. It appears that my Audible global markets are rather limited...

Advice: You Write Down Everyone's Words??

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! How are you enjoying your weekend plans on this chilly Friday evening!? Try your best to dodge this brutal winter weather. If you are in warm weather, you can just carry on. Don't be jealous of our snow. Give me your address and I will send you all of the snow you can handle. I'm just kidding about sending you some snow. Come and get it yourself! :) While I have you annoyed, I might as well shamelessly promote my book entitled, "Construction Tales: Volume I: A Woman's Journey To Be An Electrician". It is available on Audible in audio as well as paperback and e-book for: Amazon, iTunes, and Barnes & Noble. Try hard to not be shocked that I found another question on Quora for us to review. I'm trying to figure out if the author of the question is serious or not. What do you think? Is Ms. Jillian messing with me?? I'm a person who loves details and documentation. However, I'm NOT writing ...

Advice About People Accused Of Using Others

Photo Credit: Best Quotes Hello Everyone! How are you making out on your Wednesday afternoon!? Keep protecting yourself from this winter weather that has been rough lately. I bet you're not surprised that I found another question on Quora for us to review?? This question is from a person asking about figuring how to convince a person that they are not using them. The problem is that once the other person has that on their mind, this is hard to erase. If a person is claiming that you are using them, they are on the same page as the user. At the end of the day, may you only align yourself with good people who bring balance to the relationship. Nothing is worse than being used. I can't stand users! People who don't do for themselves and rely on others disgust me. They are weak and the leech need to be removed from the unsuspecting host. If two people have an agreement on the division of tasks, that is different. Do as you wish. It is best, if you discover an im...

Advice On The Meaning Behind The Acronym "POS"

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! How are you dedicating your Tuesday afternoon!? Try to keep dry and warm since the weather has been rough lately. Guess who found another question on Quora for us to chew the fat on?? Yeah, I laughed at this question. I figured the person asking is not an American and has never ever been involved in road rage ever. Here in New York City, the acronym "POS" on a regular basis under their breathe at any given moment. It may be funniest question so far that has been requested. This question is on the topic on the meaning behind the acronym "POS". For anyone that is under a rock, the term POS stands for, Piece Of Sh@t. It is usually a phrase that is unleashed when another person just pisses you off!! There is usually raging emotion behind that veiled phrase. One may ask why use it as an acronym? Perhaps it was designed so that you can shout it out loud in front of women and children? The term sh@t comes from th...

*UPDATED*- The Dirty Little Secrets Club Q&A Shared!

Photo Credit: *FAIR WARNING* THIS BLOG POST DISCUSSES A PODCAST THAT CONTAINS MATURE SCENARIOS AND ADULT HUMOR!!! PROCEED WITH CAUTION!! *UPDATED* POSTING THE ANSWERS TO MY POSED QUESTIONS. ORIGINALLY POSTED BACK IN OCTOBER 2020!! AWAITING FOR FEEDBACK FROM CO-HOST DAYNA PEREIRA Hello Everyone! I sure as hell hope you are having a great day today on your side of the globe!? Keep that energy high in order to keep that mindset positive. How much colder is it on your side of the globe today? I'm giving a big finger to people who never see winter ever!! Just kidding!!! I'm totally kidding!! I have always liked the cooler months when I was younger. However, as I get older, my body prefers the warmer weather. Truth be told, I am a polar bear so I embrace the cooler weather when the summer is over. I went to the NYC Halloween Parade in lower Manhattan for on October 31st. As a reminder again, I have some journals, sketchbooks, planners, etc. tha...