Advice On Reviving A Dry Conversation
Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! Are you enduring this frigid Tuesday evening to the best of your ability!? I scheduled a few dozen Tik Tok videos that I took on the day that I traveled to Manhattan for my first ever Broadway show on Saturday. As mentioned before, the play was hosted at the New Amsterdam Theatre that is located on Broadway & 42nd Street in Manhattan. The theatre looks very old and laden with history; opened in 1903. According to the website, the theatre closed down as a result of the Great Depression and sat vacant for 50 years. During the Mayor Guiliani era, 42nd Street, in Time Square in particular, started getting a makeover. I remember how seedy Manhattan was in the mid-90's and how it has transformed in the years since. Disney did a 99-year lease back in 1993 in an effort to restore the building to it's original glory. The building is a national landmark now. It took a team of 400 different trades, including engineers and pla...