
Advice: The Meaning Behind The Phrase "You Do You!"

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! How is your Tuesday working out for you my friend!? What's crackin' on your side of the globe today? I'm delivering another dose of Quora advice straight with no chaser. This piece of my mind is on the subject of one party yelling "you do you!" to another party. There appears to be no way to soften and clean up this injection of nastiness. I'm sure there is quite a bit of missing context that was withheld prior to this phrase being uttered while in an angered state of mind. Does the person actually mean it or not?? Why do we even have to ask that question? Is there another side of the coin to consider on this phrase? One would like to think that the speaker is strongly encouraging the other person to go ahead and make the right choice for themselves. Perhaps they are being indecisive and they need an assertive push to do for themselves?? I'm not confident as to that being the meaning behind the...

Vol. #46: Showcasing (3) More Awesome Gang Authors!!

Photo Credit: The Verbally Disastrous Podcast- (2) New Episodes On Spotify Hello Everyone! Well folks!! We are back to another Monday so make it a productive one and get through it hour by hour!! How was your weekend, my friend? I hope you had a kick ass weekend doing exactly what you wanted to do. If not, make it a goal for the future. I planned an absolute fun-packed weekend with my two sons and some cousins & friends. They snacked on cake, cookies, pizza, drinks during the weekend celebration while playing video games and trash talking. Despite the threat of spotty moments of rain, we indeed hit Six Flags New England this weekend too. The beauty of the periodic rainy patches made it a weekend where the crowd was small. We went on back to back rides and I even got a headache in the process. I went to a go-kart racing track with my guy that I'm dating on Sunday. That was an absolute blast!! I'm in a new relationship and it feels absolutely amazing like a gidd...

Vol. #45: Showcasing (3) More Awesome Gang Authors!!

Photo Credit: The Verbally Disastrous Podcast- (2) New Episodes On Spotify Hello Everyone! Well folks!! We are back to another Monday so make it a productive one and get through it hour by hour!! How was your weekend, my friend? I hope you had a kick ass weekend doing exactly what you wanted to do. If not, make it a goal for the future. I planned an absolute fun-packed weekend with my two sons and some cousins & friends. They snacked on cake, cookies, pizza, drinks during the weekend celebration while playing video games and trash talking. Despite the threat of spotty moments of rain, we indeed hit Six Flags New England this weekend too. The beauty of the periodic rainy patches made it a weekend where the crowd was small. We went on back to back rides and I even got a headache in the process. I went to a go-kart racing track with my guy that I'm dating on Sunday. That was an absolute blast!! I'm in a new relationship and it feels absolutely amazing like a gidd...

Vol. #44: Showcasing (3) More Awesome Gang Authors!!

Photo Credit: The Verbally Disastrous Podcast- (2) New Episodes On Spotify Hello Everyone! We made it to another Friday!! What are your weekend plans my friend? Any celebrations going on your side of the globe today? My youngest son Johnny had a birthday on Monday. A year from now, he will be a legal adult. I'm planning on spending the weekend with my two sons and some cousins. I've made a cake and some snacks to aid in the weekend celebration. They want to hit Six Flags New England this weekend. I'm not sure if it is going to be a wash-out or somewhat of a decent day on Saturday. Here's a gentle reminder that my first children's book entitled, "Not All Girls Play With Dolls" is now live on Amazon in both paperback and as a Kindle, an iTunes e-book, and for Nook via Barnes & Noble!! As of today, the Barnes & Noble Nook e-book is still pending approval. I intend on having the audio version of the book as well. Have you ever worked on ...

Sharing My 1st Children's Book Review & 1-Star Review

Hello Everyone! Are you keeping dry on this hump day Wednesday, my friend!? How's it going on your side of the globe today? It is raining cats and dogs here on the streets of New York City today. Why not mention for the millionth and one time that my first children's book entitled, "Not All Girls Play With Dolls" is now live on Amazon in both paperback and as a Kindle, an iTunes e-book, and for Nook via Barnes & Noble!! As of today, the Barnes & Noble Nook e-book is STILL pending approval!! I'm frustrated that the book has been in the review process for quite awhile now. For this blog post, I'm sharing my very first review received on my children's book!! Yay!! I happen to know who the reviewer is since I worked with her a few years ago. We both worked for the largest electrical contractor in New York City. She is a grandma now so she picked up the book for the grandkids. She is a great woman and I'm glad to have crossed paths with her. ...

Advice: Is Forgiveness An Act Or A Process?

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! How is your Tuesday working out for you my friend!? How's it going on your side of the globe today? We had some major action poppin' off in the job world that occupied a significant portion of my day. I'm appreciating this ongoing work experience. Projects with good co-workers helps to make the work week more tolerable. My pal "stock broker" Eric is on another project. He reaches out since he misses his homies! The new fella is no where near as fun as our stock broker pal. However, we shall give him time to get acclimated. Perhaps his personality is delayed and will come out shining once he is comfortable. However, I have my doubts on that one. I shall remain open minded nonetheless. :) Why not mention for the millionth and one time that my first children's book entitled, "Not All Girls Play With Dolls" is now live on Amazon in both paperback and as a Kindle, an iTunes e-book, and for Nook v...