
Quora Advice: Stage Presence Interpretation

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! It is a blisteringly cold Tuesday day shift right here at my New York City residential construction jobsite. I hope you are doing well, my friend? Since I so rudely abandoned you previously, I'm trying to make up for it with some random blog topics. My latest safety topic of choice is on the history of high visible clothing. If you didn't check it out, look for it in my list of blog posts. Before we dig into my stab at interpreting a phrase with an alternate, allow me to share some links and updates on my other projects. My latest goal is to try and get back into releasing some more episodes on my Verbally Disastrous podcast. I may have some free time at the end of the month. It's tough when I have different things on my plate during the course of the day. My established "$ugar Momma Baddie" themed clothing and accessory collection is availabl...

Safety Topic Of The Day: The Birth Of Hi-Visible Clothing

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! Well, my friend, we made it to another Monday shift here on my residential construction jobsite here in the concrete jungle that is New York City. I hope you are doing well? Each day, it is getting cooler with a dusting of AM snow on occasion. I apologize for not writing in quite awhile. I know that you are awaiting my next blog post (a dash of sarcasm). I've been rather occupied the past few weeks and I have not released any new posts. Last week, I went away with my lady friends on a Carribean cruise. Sadly, I returned to snow this past weekend. Of course, I had my hands full preparing for my departure within the week before the vacation. I even debated with myself about bringing my laptop on vacation with me. My initial thought was that I may want to blog while relaxing on my balcony. At the last minute, I left the laptop home and opted to just relax and enjoy the new adventure. I think leaving the electronics...

Quora Topic: Meaning Behind "Make Me"

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! Let's power through this Thursday grind and get out of here as soon as possible. I have tomorrow off as a holiday for work. How are you spending your weekend my friend? Before I serve your mind with even more Quora advice, I'm honored to share some links and updates on my other projects. I'm going to try to get back into doing some podcasts on my Verbally Disastrous podcast. My established "$ugar Momma Baddie" themed clothing and accessory collection is available on both Spring and Shopify ecommerce platforms. Check out the two designs that you can choose from: 1) Feisty Lady Trio 2) Sugar Momma Bed. The "$ugar Momma Baddie" Shopify and Spring store links are down below in this Quora blog post. The links for the paperback, e-book, and now audio version for my first children's book that's entitled, "Not All Girls Play With Dolls" are down below in this b...

Quora Advice: "The Heart Knows When The Search Is Over" Meaning

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! Hopefully your Tuesday routine is rather uneventful for you so far today? As I have previously shared in the past few posts, I sent a series of questions to my buddy Steve to prepare for our upcoming sit down interview as a podcast episode on Thanksgiving weekend. Steve is a former Marine and he worked on the rope team. He would scale the sides of various high rise buildings in New York City and perform various types of work with ropes and a harness. Before I bombard you with more Quora advice, I'm honored to share some links and updates on my other projects. My established "$ugar Momma Baddie" themed clothing and accessory collection is available on both Spring and Shopify ecommerce platforms. Check out the two designs that you can choose from: 1) Feisty Lady Trio 2) Sugar Momma Bed. The "$ugar Momma Baddie" Shopify and Spring...

Meaning Behind: "What Am I Most To A Lady"

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! How is your Monday grind going for you? So far, my day has been uneventful. Of course boring is music to my ears. As I have previously shared, I sent a series of questions to my buddy Steve to prepare for our upcoming sit down interview as a podcast episode. I think it may happen over Thanksgiving weekend. Steve is a former Marine and he worked on the rope team. He would scale the sides of various high rise buildings in New York City and perform various types of work with ropes and a harness. Before I share some more Quora advice, I might as well share some links and updates on my other projects. My established "$ugar Momma Baddie" themed clothing and accessory collection is available on both Spring and Shopify ecommerce platforms. I have two designs to choose from: 1) Feisty Lady Trio 2) Sugar Momma Bed. The "$ugar Momma Baddie" Shopify and Spring st...