#NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls Coming To Life!!

Hello everyone!

#NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls is coming to life!! My first children's book is coming soon! Illustrations, via #HarryAveira from #AveiraStudios , are in the process of being created. The goal of this book is to inspire girls from all over the world to pursue their natural talents.

This year is shaping up to become the year of the woman with the #MeToo movement. It is cool that it just so happens that I decided empower young girls with their goals! I was pushed by my dad to do "boy" chores and chase a career considered "non-traditional" for women back in the 90s. I took the military exam and was determined to be mechanically inclined at 16 years old. I was offered either an airplane mechanic or electrician career in the Navy. I ended up choosing to become an electrician in the Navy Seabees at 17 years old. This book models my childhood into my teens that led to going off to bootcamp.

On the same token, if you feel like you are going against the societal norms, this book is for you too!! I have always been a fan of free choice and doing what truly makes YOU happy!!

I am sharing a sample of the illustrations that will be in the book!! I will share as soon as it is released! Have a good day and thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Leslie M Jasper


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