Book Expo America- An 2014 Amazing Event to See in New York City!!

Originally Posted: Sunday, June 8, 2014

Book Expo America- An Amazing Event to See in New York City!!

Hello everyone,

I am hoping you are all enjoying your summer.  My work has taken up alot of my personal time to blog recently.  However, I am on here to let you know about Book Expo America that took place in New York City on May 28-31st at the Jacob Javits Center.  I had a few female tradesladies come through for me and take pictures next to my book at the convention.  A few ladies even hooked me up with tickets to view the event on the last day.  What a place and the impressive booths of vendors throughout the world!!  I spent a few hours there and felt that there was so much more to see!  I got some pretty cool contacts and got some direction with the book and my future projects. 

I am showing pictures so that you can see how massive this event was in New York City.  It was quite impressive and I did score quite a few free books!!  Don't forget the ebook is available for Nook/Kindle/iTunes!  I will talk to you all soon!  Good luck on the upcoming work week!


Leslie M. Jasper

Female carpenter, Bebe helped me out!

I got to see the book with my own eyes on the shelves at #BookExpoAmerica.  Made me a lil misty eyed!

Carol not only works as a fellow electrician at the Javits Center but she helped score me tickets to the event!  Much thanks for that grand opportunity at #BookExpoAmerica !


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