Construction Tales: Now Registered with IPR License Out of England!

Originally Posted: Thursday, July 10, 2014

Construction Tales: Now Registered with IPR License Out of England

Hello everyone!

Sorry I have not been able to blog in a little while.  My new job as an electrical engineer/CAD operator in New York City takes huge chunks of time lately.  I have been doing limited Tweeting and Instagram interactions as well..cannot forget Facebook!  However, I did manage to find time to register with IPR License.  They are an international platform for authors out of England.  I am excited to be a part of a new venture.  I am indeed looking for any forms of international offers.  I am assuming that a woman construction worker from New York would be of interest to people outside the United States.  Here is the website for IPR License:

As part of joining the international author platform, my book gets a spot in an issue of the IPR License Magazine that will be coming out soon.  This magazine will be at the upcoming Beijing International Book Fair.  Here is the magazine link:

The magazine's editor has contacted me about a brief new book spotlight that will be coming up in the newest edition.  I will scan and show that magazine article when it becomes available.

The Beijing International Book Fair is coming up August 27-31st in China.  I look forward to any potential contacts due to that event.  I need to get some rest so I can finish the week strong!  As always, thank you so much for reading my blog!


Leslie M. Jasper


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