Looking For Screenwriter!!

Originally Posted: Sunday, November 30, 2014

Looking For Screenwriter on Mandy.com

Hello everyone, I was talking to my brother-in-law, Nick Jasper, over the holiday weekend. He said to reach out to acting forums in an effort to find a screenwriter. I want to get a screenwriter to develop the book into a movie or tv series. I'm starting out with some forums for actors and tv industry people. I will keep working until I reach someone who is interested. I can be reached from most any form of social media that I have for the book. I had one tv producer interested. He works on cop and fireman shows. His people are not ambitious enough to take on the project. However, he said that his contacts were interested and gave good feedback. He said to get a screenwriter and a manager to knock on some doors. That is what I'm working on doing. I shall see where it goes. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday weekend! As always, thanks for stopping by to read my blog! 


Leslie M Jasper


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