My Funny Interaction With A Different Construction Worker!!😜😜

Good morning everyone,

Sorry I have been away for awhile. I will explain in my next post for my hiatus. Here is a funny short story I shared yesterday on Facebook:

When you tell a fellow construction worker to try the #MagnoliaBakery #bananapudding bcuz it will change your life (he has the bag in hand) and he says, "no, I'm German". Then he jokes that he got German chocolate cake. He then said he has never had a banana before. I told him to gtfoh with that! Who has not eaten a banana before?? He gets wide eyed and says, "I can never eat a banana in front of other men! They will crucify me! I will have to cut it up in small pieces and hope no one notices" I started giggling while saying, "well, if you do it in my eyesight, I will just quietly ask you to caress the back of your neck and gently tug on your own hair." I stared back at him grinning from ear to ear and he said, "I knew you were a construction worker too!" I then go to tell him about my proud funny moment this morning with 2 interns. They ask me, "hey Leslie-what is Jack's last name?" Without hesitation, I said "m-e-o-f-f!" As soon as one said it to the other, I bursted out laughing! I then told them it was a joke and gave the right last name. One is grinning ear to ear while the other was scratching the head. The one who got it said, "you are so quick and clever Leslie!" I grinned back and said that I have many years in this business!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #NYC #ConstructionTales #books #funny #WomanInTheTrades #jokes

Leslie M Jasper 😜😜😜😝😝😝😝


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