Tune Into #SecondShiftRadio Sunday January 6th @5pm!

Hey Everyone,

Are you thinking about the New Year and improving your health regime? I hope you can tune in tomorrow January 6th at 5pm! I am proud to share that a coworker of mine, Kyle Johnson, is the host of a radio show based out of New York City. Kyle has an author guest he will interviewing a doctor, Dr. Michele Reed, who focuses on health routines and self care. I told him about going live on Instagram so he can have the author answer questions from interested viewers. I am following Kyle's radio program on Instagram and Twitter, using the handle @SecondShiftRadio tomorrow at 5pm. I totally plan on reminding myself to tune in and ask some questions. Of course, when ready, Kyle will be interviewing me about my book. When that time is arranged, I will share and get the word out.

#NowPlaying #Sunday #SecondShiftRadio #NewYear #HealthRegimen on @TuneInRadio!


#ConstructionTales #funny #books #NYC #NextChapter #WeBuildThisCity #Manhattan #WomanInTheTrades #transit

Leslie M Jasper


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