#ConstructionTales Now In Audio Form Version!

Hello everyone,

The audio version of the book, started in 2015, has finally been released on Audible. I went in a studio, Raw Recording, out of Patterson, NY. I have been busy with work so it was placed on the back burner. With some spare time in 2019, I was finally able to get it ready for sale. It took alot of effort and patience to finish this project. As a woman who has learned tech things in the past 5 years and used to tools, this is a great achievement. I didn't realize that people have monthly Audible subscriptions vs just picking up one book. Here is where the audio version can be found:


Please let me know what you think. I want to be able to improve for Volume 2. I welcome feedback.

My 1st children's book entitled, #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls is being worked on by illustrator, #HarryAveiraIllustrations. I am thrilled to see pieces of the book come to life. I am sure I will go to the studio and do an audio version at some point.

As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.

Leslie M Jasper


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