Let's Talk Writing Book Interview: Episode 69!🤣🤣

Originally Posted: Thursday, August 25, 2016

My First Book Interview- Let's Talk Writing Episode 69

hello everyone! 

Here is my very 1st first book interview with Vinny Daquino for Let's Talk Writing Episode 69:


I was nervous but I believe I did okay despite feeling that way. I try to keep my composure and not let fear take over me. I am focused today on my job re-training process and doing alot of studying. Once the dust settles, I will share and praise the person who has given me this amazing opportunity. I walked away from a situation that wasn't working for me. This has required some seclusion and healing for me in order to move forward.

I thank you for stopping by and reading my blogs. I surpassed 10,000 visits to my former blog at www.lesliemjasper.blogspot.com. I used an email that became inactive and lost access to my 1st blog. This is my 2nd attempt at a blog that I am active on. I am frustrated but understand and must deal with life's issues and navigate accordingly.  I am starting over and learning how to explore the blogs of others and interact.

I am thankful for people from all over the world stopping by!! Have a great day and speak with you soon! 


Leslie M Jasper


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