New Chapter- Starting A New Career Path on Nov 18, 2019!

hello everyone!

I am looking forward to my new upcoming chapter on my career path.  I start a new job offer on Monday November 18, 2019.  The best part is that I get to experience a matriarchal leadership.  It will be very different than my patriarchal experience during my entire career.  I feel like I have been working my entire life for this new opportunity.  My nose has been in the books taking a variety of new safety related certifications and exams for the past few months.  I have dedicated a lot of energy into learning so I have not been focusing on the book- I apologize if you are looking for my posts.

My goals are somewhat similar to past jobs.  However, I do (I am honored to do so) get to work with more safety related tasks.  I am aware that there is a lot of responsibility in this arena.  My strengths are being meticulous and paying attention to detail.  This should serve me well.  I do not take responsibilities lightly so my goal is to serve my team well.  The biggest goal is to serve my team for the highest good.  It is very rare to work with such a close knit team.  I have a lot to learn and plenty of teammates to help me along the way.

I have a few safety exams left to accomplish before I am able to take a pause from the education books.  Once I finish the required safety studying, I need to write out some more goals that I intend on executing as well.  My first children's book entitled, #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls is next on the list for movement and completion.  I  then plan to dive back into writing #VolumeII of #ConstructionTales #MyIlluminatedPathContinues afterwards.  I have to force myself to carve out time to write 150 words/day.  This goal is a must if I want this next project to be eventually released.

I am on a new chapter as well in my personal life.  I am just going with the flow and seeing where life takes me.  The magic of new random adventures is what makes life so free and liberating.  It also is the ingredients needed for a clear mind and the flow of creative writing.  The upcoming winter time should bring about more solitude and a time for self reflection.  I do need to carve out more time for my creative ventures.  I have allowed the needs of others to supersede my own personal pursuit.  This is what happens when one is of a giving nature; one gets taken advantage of in big ways.  The chord of balance must be struck in order to walk the fine line of give and take.  I am learning to take back my power and find balance in life.

The upcoming months will be dedicated more to the new job and the tasks that are required to learn.   I do want to dedicate a portion of it to the book venture and perhaps a tv sitcom or a movie in the future. I do go on a friend's internet radio show, known as #SecondShiftRadio on #TuneIn, here and there to chat with my pals and promote the book.  I may be involved with some other radio promotions with my friend.  I shall see what the future holds.  I do keep trying no matter what the outcome is; somewhat of an obsession since I do not give up...LOL.  A course instructor recently expressed interest in the book; I am honored.  I shall see how that new connection goes in the future.

I want to wish everyone a great upcoming work week!  Have a blessed Sunday that is relaxed yet your chores are accomplished before the upcoming week. ;)


Leslie M. Jasper


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