New Year's Day- Past Year 2019 Reflection

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I hope and wish that everyone had a SAFE NYE???!! Drunk or sober, it was definitely not the night to be out on the roads last night for any reason. When I worked with the tools, we often referred to NYE as "amateur night".  The rest of the year is reserved for professional drinkers (joke). I kept to myself and watched the festivities on tv last night.  Being a hermit has been my theme for 2019.  I need to force myself to venture out and stop staying in the house.

#2020 NEEDS to be better than the last!!👌👌 Upon reflection, I describe the year #2019 as, "going in like a lion and going out like a lamb".🤔 This has indeed been the monumental year where I no longer accept, "half ass", "minimal effort", and "useless lip service" 🤷‍♀️🙏. I had finally put myself to a place where it is "okay" to walk from things that only serve as pain while managing to make one feel less than deserving. Solitude is a fine tool to reset your mind and body (almost too used to it) that leads to internal growth.  It took almost a year of being in solitude to reverse the damage done by a person who essentially did a quick build up and a gradual tear down over the past five years. Simultaneously, I have been taking major steps to end some physical pain.  After some physical healing, it has brought me some relief.  That helps me to continue functioning in life so I am grateful for that.

I call my two sons my "dudes".  The shining part for 2019 is that the "dudes" have grown bigger and wiser.  My youngest son, we call him Jho, now has a shoe size that is very hard to find. I learned this fact over the holiday season. I keep mentioning to Jho that he needs to study electrical engineering and get into my union with his brother as well.  As of late, Jho speaks about going into the military.  He has some time to figure it out and I have some time to convince him. Meanwhile, my eldest son is still on his career path to become an electrician like his mom. He is becoming more and more adult like in nature so that is a wonderful thing.

Overall, the year 2019 has brought on more changes in many avenues than it has been in a long time in my circle. The best part of this year has been the flood of gifts of good people entering in my life when I needed it the most. I am learning that actually terrible stuff happens and makes other foreseen stressful events better.😳 That must have been the oddest lesson learned over the past two years.  I have also learned that continuing on a path that one is not supposed to be on any longer can bring on tremendous bad luck! Once I found the strength to pull myself away from a growing and evolving bad situation, the air felt lighter and my luck got better.  I am in a place in life currently where I am very cautious about putting myself in a new situation in the event that it brings on more pain or bad luck.  One tends to lose themselves in many aspects during the motion of service in a relationship. The ability to laugh again is a blessing along with coming and going as one pleases.  Despite it all, I wish those I have parted with peace, love, and light.  Life is too short to hang onto anything that can be too heavy to carry.  The focus for 2020 is my creative and 9-to-5 work, more solitude, hanging with the dudes, and digging out of the pile from the recession.

#ConstructionTales #funny #books #NextChapter #WeBuildThisCity #WomanInTheTrades #NYC

May the year 2020 give you the inspiration to stay on the path that works and to change within the avenues you need changed with the pace of one step at a time....


Leslie M. Jasper


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