Studying The 1918 Spanish Flu- Comparing to Covid-19

hello everyone! I hope people continue to exercise caution, common sense, and good hygiene during this moment in time. It is vital so we can all get past this crisis and have life go back to normal. If you can work from home, now is the time to seize that opportunity and make the best of a tough situation. This is the time in our lives where we try to read books we have not read, watch movies we have not taken time to watch, pursue hobbies we never took time to chase, and smash some goals. So far we have had no interruptions with our power or internet. I am grateful for those creature comforts while in isolation. I try to not watch the news all day long. The constant updates of bad news is not healthy to be immersed in 24/7 or longer than the time needed to review the updates. It is an odd time in life where you need to be aware yet you also need to protect yourself from diving into depths of paranoia due to the tough time at hand. While i...