Current Status of NYC During The Covid-19 Pandemic

hello everyone!

First I wish everyone having to go out to work the absolute best and to be safe!

As you have heard in the news, we have been dealing with this Covid-19 ongoing pandemic, in Manhattan and the rest of NYC.  It indeed feels like we are in the most dangerous part of the U.S.A. at the current moment.  I am aware that you all have been dealing with it globally as well.  I have had international pals on Facebook tell me that they are all home based for the time being.  For the past few weeks, I have been working solo person out of my field office.  My feeling is if my crew is in the field, I need to be there as well.  I have been lucky to have some good leaders in the field working to get our jobs done.  Most recently, an event happened on the job that caused fear and panic to settle in.

When you are working on a project with a large group of people working within a variety of capacities, it is very difficult to withhold the flow of information.  Especially when you withhold very important information.  When you attempt to do that, then the rumors swirl and now you must discern between what is rumors and what is real.  There was a large amount of communication that was flowing on the jobsite that could not be contained no longer.  The absolute worst part is when people attempt to hide important information.  This does far more damage to the crew's morale and mindset than just being forthcoming with the information.  Once you withhold information, now people do not feel safe to go to work.  It is very hard to fix a situation where people perceive that they are in immanent danger and do not feel safe.

Immediately upon hearing that key people are withholding necessary information, fear and anger absolutely flooded my mind, body, and soul!!  How dare these people choose to not disclose needed information!?!?  Then you think what else do we need to know?!  What is real and what is a rumor?!  This is especially disrupting knowing that, in hindsight, we are all within close quarters interacting with all of these people at any given point of time!!!!  Now that I am forced upon this flood of new revelations, do I keep it to myself or do I take the lid off of this information?

I take my obligation as a manager on my team very seriously and this full disclosure was absolutely necessary and the only path to take.  I could not even imagine having anyone in my work family become sick, as a result of me withholding information, and harmed due to an interaction they made that may not have been necessary to make.  The many options flashed through my mind for a few seconds.  Obviously, this is going to have an impact on my own employment as well.  I felt that I have an obligation to disclose this discovery to my employer in order to make the choice on what to do next.

The decision to temporarily pause with the work flow was not an easy decision to make for anyone involved.  However, it was the right decision to make.  Our integrity as a business in New York City could potentially be on the line as well.  I am proud that good decisions were made for the welfare of our team.  A big shout out to my fearless leader.👊💪 Swift action was taken to address the situation. It was not easy at all- I admire her more and more each week. Our concern was more for the safety of the work force than the job at hand.

Not all were happy with the action taken.  Some are in need of work to be performed; no matter what side of the team people are working on. Many were fearful of what was going on. A break in the action was needed to keep people safe and sort out the issue.  Safety and the power of choices is paramount at this moment.  Upon return, people have the option to return or sit out longer.  Sadly, we have no idea how long this pandemic will persist.  I am willing to continue riding it out while being absolutely as safe as physically possible.  I am sure I will continue to blog and post on social media as this global crisis continues.

Here are some photos that I have taken within the past week:
 Long Island Railroad at 6PM rush hour!
 #1 Subway line heading north mid week!
Q Subway line at the 72nd Station AM rush!

The photos are all taken during rush hours throughout the city.  Normally the trains and places would be so jam packed, it would be flooded with tourists and commuters.  Hotels are currently at 20% capacity.  Trains are 60-70% lower than normal.  All real statistics currently.🙄😷

Please be safe and practice your normal hygiene routine! :)

While you are home keeping your loved ones safe, just know that Construction Tales is available on #Audible #Amazon #BarnesandNoble #iTunes to give you something funny to occupy this moment in time.

Leslie M. Jasper
#ConstructionTales #books #funny #NYC #WomanInTheTrades #WomenOwned ElectricalShop
#girlpower #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls


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