Update- Working In Construction Amongst The Covid19 Pandemic

hello everyone,

I am continuing my work, with my essential worker crews, during this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in various locations throughout NYC.  We have gotten into a decent stride and have a work flow going.  This is despite the fact that there are further PPE requirements on top of the regular PPE needs.  This is also despite the fact that it is much harder to work with a mask on vs nothing.  I am proud to be at the helm, although exhausting, of making sure our crews are feeling safe.  These are those monumental moments where your leadership skills are either considered stellar or not even close- it is one or the other.

It is certain that, during these times, you find out who people truly are during this moment in time. We find out who is strong vs weak, who is a leader vs a follower, who is selfless vs selfish, honest vs a scam artist, etc.  You truly get to see who is who during these moments in time.  I oftentimes feel like a lot of people choose to depend on me.  It is good since I have shown strong leadership skills.  It is not so good when I feel like my work load has been increased exponentially.  I want to see our team grow exponentially so I try my best.  The problem is that people do not realize the amount of hours I put in.  It is a labor of love for the interim.  I just wish others felt the same way that I do.  The sad part is I don't always feel that reciprocation.

The biggest reward is being able to stop the blood flow on the initial job foolishness that had went down on the jobsite in the beginning.  Then the job not only finishes on time but exceeds expectations.  We do have a hard working and talented crew working with us; with some exceptions, of course.  The goal is to keep the crew working and finish ahead of schedule.  We want to turn the ship around and come in ahead of schedule.  As a woman in this business, this is super meaningful to me.  The good thing is that this is also super important to my general foreman as well.  He is super hard working and very much a forward thinking.  It is a good match to get things accomplished.

I am working on trying to find work balance and figure out how to also study.  I need to ensure that I do not constantly focus on work seven days a week.  It is a challenge when you are trying to add a new coworker to come on board and not allow yourself to constantly work the entire weekend.  I need to continue my safety credential studies in an effort to complete and work within a different capacity.  The good thing about it all, I will be locked in with a safe and secure means to finish my working career.  The studying topics are everything from physics to algebra.  I need to get some audio books in order to study via listening.  The objective is to continue a positive path and smash my goal by December 2020 or sooner!

I wish you all to be safe and enjoy the rest of a fabulous weekend! :)

Leslie M. Jasper

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