E-Book Used For ASP/CSP Studying

hello everyone!!

I hope you all are enjoying your summer!?!  Keep cool and be safe!  I am focusing on studying.

I shared above the screenshot of the e-book that I listen to to aid with my studying.  I am writing while listening to the e-book entitled, "Safety Professional's Reference and Study Guide".  This book was issued as per the purchase of the (BCSP) Board of Certified Safety Professionals- the official organization that issues many safety exams, courses, and provides the safety certifications upon successful completion.

I have been heavily involved in studying for my (ASP) Associate Safety Professional exam.  I am also studying for the (CSP) Certified Safety Professional exam- I intend to take after the ASP exam. I intend to take the ASP in the next few weeks.  I have discovered that, during my study journey for this particular exam, not all ASP study programs are the same.  I am going to share what I have been using to help me study for the exams so that it may be helpful to you on your safety journey.

I attempted to first use flash cards.  They worked for my (CHST) Certified Health Safety Technician exam that I passed in October.  For whatever reason, the information was so overwhelming, the cards appeared to not work as well as they have for me in the past.  I then chose to go with the online study, via the Institute of Safety & Systems Management, Inc.  It cost about $250 for just the written online program.  I didn't purchase the videos since I didn't want to initially spend $1000 on the study program.  I am glad that I didn't waste the video money on that program- in hindsight.  However, I must say that the math portion is super helpful to ensure that you can get your head back into the math concepts.  They do walk you through the math problems to help solve.  I was studying like crazy for weeks the bank of test questions.  Once I started scoring consistently high on the practice exams, I arranged to take the exam.  I was so anticipating passing and working on the next safety exam.  Boy.... a cold hard reality slap sure hit me in the face when I started the exam!

I wanted to scream when I was sitting in the exam!!  The study material's test questions was NOTHING like the ASP exam questions!!  I didn't feel confident with my responses at all!  I had an hour left to review the questions-an opportunity that I usually take.  I walked out and so hoped that the proctor would give me a passing grade.  Upon discovery of my results, I was soo disgusted!!  I felt like a I had a HUGE punch to the gut after walking out of the test center!!  I was screaming in my head on the ride home, "I NEVER FAIL TESTS!!!" I was a 3.8-4.0 student in high school & college.  Getting an F was unheard of in my educational career!  I was absolutely mortified and ashamed with the test results!

My ashamed and angry disposition molded into the need to, "figure out what happened?"  I needed to get off the ground where I fell, get up, and find a solution to pass the exam.  I didn't spend the money on the full program.  However, I was not confident that would have helped since the practice questions were nothing like the exam questions.  I then decided to see how much the study program, issued via the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, would cost me.  The BCSP ExamCORE Training was $1000/course.  If you get the ASP & CSP program, you save $100.  I pulled the trigger and went for the combo since I must do it anyway.  I must say the training is more intense and has much more study modules compared to the ISSM online course!  They offer you an opportunity to take a pre-exam.  I opted to do that and I saw that my test result was the EXACT SAME as the ASP exam score.  This has given me confidence that once I score consistently above an 85, it is time to take the exam and I will pass.  I have gotten through almost 200 tutorial video modules and now running through tons of practice questions.  My goals is to get above an 85 practice test score and then go take the test.

I have learned that one must spend the money on the course in order to get the correct safety related study material.  It is wise to go with the study program that comes from the organization that issues the exam. I have learned that I did spend time on getting my head back into the math so it wasn't a complete waste of time.  I plan to get back on here and blog after I pass the ASP exam.  I will do the same after the CSP exam.  I will then blog after I sit in the NYC DOB 40 Hr Site Safety Manager course- after I pass the CSP exam.  Stay tuned for my safety journey within the construction industry.

I am going back to studying and shall speak with you all soon! Wish me luck! :)

Leslie M. Jasper
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