Originally Published 6-7-17: Here Are Some Progression Photos of My Last Basement Project! Time To Buy Another Project

 Check Out My Basement Renovation Photos from around 2014 or 2015.

My son Johnny posing for a photo. He calls me “Cinder flower” as a nickname. I wrote about it in another post.
I was absolutely dirty and exhausted. I rented a drill from Home Depot for 16 hours. It was pissing oil when I returned. Always get the insurance when you KNOW you are going to beat up a tool! ðŸ™‚
My son Tom helping me with some flagstone floor demolition.
The end product with a fresh coat of paint. I had a pipe burst six months later (sigghh) that I needed to open the wall and ceiling to repair.
I had to change the paint color when I put the house on the market in 2016. I need to buy another project to work on soon..

hello everyone!

I keep forgetting to show my last home project that I worked on mainly solo. I had help doing the tile even though I prepped by removing the old floor, a hot water baseboard install, and taping. The rest was my baby. My sons did a few guest appearances to help sheetrock. I framed and did a lot of rock solo. I built a sheetrock buddy and joked with my friends that "he" was my boyfriend named, Juan Carlos. I am now done with house projects. I painted the room red then changed the color to a beige so I could put it on the market. I plan to buy house #2 at some point and work on that one. I am leaning towards a condo so work will be lighter than a house. I bought this house at 20 years old with a car accident settlement. I watched guys at work and did projects at the house. I have done some trial and errors along the way. It is highly rewarding to show off a job well done. I was getting roofing estimates years ago. A roofer came to the house and asked if my parents were home. I laughed and said that I was the homeowner...he has so uncomfortable that I was highly amused! After 22 years, it is time to move on and find another diamond in the rough. I shall see what I come up with in the future. Have a safe day at work since it is Hump Day already!


Leslie M Jasper

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