100 Posts On My Word Press Blog In About A Month!! -Sharing A REALLY Weird Dream! :P

hi everyone!!

I am sharing that, as of recent, I have reached 100 Posts on my Word Press blog/website!!!  I made the switch about 6 weeks ago from here on Blogger.  Blogger is still my back up dancer- just in case the $hit hits the fan on Word Press.   You have many choices on the internet to read content from around the globe. I am honored that you have stopped by my page to read and share a laugh or two...or three damn it! :P

My two old blogs here on Blogger have been around- the first blog since 2013 and the second since 2017.  As of January 2021, I made the change and shift my focus to blog over on Word Press.  Yes, Word Press is my main dude.  Blogger is now my two side dudes- sorry fellas.  Yup- my old Go Daddy website is my baby daddy that I no longer even deal with- "he" needs to figure it out on his own without my money.  For some reason, that doesn't sound very prim and proper.  I brought over a lot of content from my Blogger site and brought it over to Word Press.  I do have a Tumblr profile yet I do not use it too much.  I had previously opened a Word Press blog/website but never really used it until now.  I made the mistake of having a website, since 2013, using Go Daddy's platform.  The pile of fees that came at me random on Go Daddy was entirely too much money to operate.  Therefore, I abandoned ship and shut down the website.  One lives and learns what to do and how to navigate the internet.  I have come a long way from the woman with the tools that did not know how to use a computer!  Trust me I have a lot more things to learn.  I am no longer drop kicking my computer into the abyss of my hallway in my house with as much attitude and angst as possible anymore!!! Yay Leslie!!

I encourage you to check out my Verbally Disastrous YouTube videos- I would like to think that I have some humorous content.  Yes, I plan to work on new content soon.  Our podcast should be having a new episode released this weekend.  Melissa and I have been busy and learning how to use the equipment- it has been a huge learning curve for both of us.  It was Verbally Disastrous indeed trying to discuss "Gorilla Glue" lady! Ugh Melissa's portion of the chat was not picked up!  We both entered the Soundtrap studio and Melissa called in.  I had assumed that by her video calling me through Soundtrap in the studio, I could pick up her audio on my audio track that I was actively recording.  Boy was I wrong!!!! (cue the sound of me slamming my head rigorously against the wall-uuuaarrggghhhh!!!)  I have learned that we each must add a track and each record.  I have thought about releasing it (just to show it is a disaster) or totally scrapping it. I learned how to create a Verbally Disastrous Soundcloud profile so I have the blog content loaded there as well.  I am even gently stalking Reddit & Quora as well.  I have to come up with some really obscure things to bring up for discussion.  I need to think a little deeper and more ridiculous.  For instance, on Quora I spoke about a dream where I was making pancakes with garbage and fecal matter.  I woke up being nauseous and wanting to vomit.  I was shopping with my eldest son for an electric skillet at Walmart the night before and discussing a snafu he had as an apprentice electrician.  I was thinking about how I must try to help him with the situation.  It didn't take long to get feedback once I discussed the very odd pancake pooh dream.  I must say- I am HIGHLY amused at the random responses!!  Everything from "you're sick" to needing Jesus to deep psychological issues brewing!   I know I should put together a slide show of the responses from people and share with you all.  It is on my 'to-do' list! :)

Well, I chewed your ear off enough in this post. Thanks again for stopping by my 100th blog posts and checking out my content since 2013 (if you are guilty of reading my rants since 2013).  Thanks for supporting the 2021 Verbally Disastrous podcast project.  I hope we grow and serve as a source of comic relief in a world that is rather chaotic and messy.  Have a good week!


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

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