I Responded To A Canadian College Survey On Gender-Diversity & Invisible Barriers In Construction

 Hello everyone!

I participated in a survey for a Canadian college on gender-diversity and invisible barriers for women in construction.  I screenshotted it so that I can share with the readers.  Check it out and let me know what you think?

As I had shared previously, I have joined Reddit as of yesterday. There are way too many rules in that community that I have not yet figured out. It sounds like you need some time on the forum before you are allowed to speak. You need karma points. I have no idea about selling coins- not interested in that mess. I typed in some key words in an attempt to connect with a community of either like minded folks, people with similar interests, or fellow women in the trades. Whenever I type in certain key phrases pertaining to women in construction, I brace myself for the crass feedback. I am honestly surprised with the warm reception that I have stumbled upon about women in the trades in construction. While many people make bad assumptions about women in construction, there must be some good trade women making some good impressions over the years. For the ladies who have done us a solid with their great working reputations, I thank you wholeheartedly!!

  I was pleasantly surprised to see that some men said that if women just work hard, that they will be embraced into the trade. That is the way that life should be- based upon merit. Yes, I still believe that you must be better than the worst man on the job so you are the first one on the round #1 layoff. It is nothing bad, it is what it is out there.

It is true that you get some preferential treatment if your parent was in the business before you. Yes, you are initially viewed either more or less favorable based upon previous experiences on the job with your parents or other family members who entered the trade before you did. It is still up to the individual to shape that final assessment of their peers. I would be interested, either like minded or not, in your opinion of the shared survey. Let me know exactly how you formed your opinion?

As always, you have many options with content on the global internet. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and review my many words associated with my book #ConstructionTales & #VerballyDisastrous podcast on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud.


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

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