My Response To "Why Are Some Men (and Women, Romantically) Afraid of Strong Women?" Question Posed On Quora...


hi everyone!

As I was sifting on Quora, I stumbled upon a question that jumped out at me. The posed question had zero responses. Therefore, I decided to jump on it like white on rice. I wanted to share my take on a question posed on Quora. Every once in awhile you feel compelled to respond to a query. Well, here is that moment where I felt compelled to give an answer on #Quora about #strong #women and the meaning thereof. This very well may become a future podcast topic. I know questions like this flush out the men vs women comments. I find the whole gender hating debate to be frustrating and not necessary. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses that they bring to different environments. I happen to be very physically and mentally strong. I know not all people share the same qualities and that is okay. I used to be more unforgiving and hard on people who were not sharp and lazy in nature. Don't get me wrong, I am still not a fan of lazy people.

I chose to respond to the question based upon how I view the world and my own experiences. I evolved from a shy young woman to a way more outgoing, confident, driven, independent woman. It took becoming a widow at a young age to knock me on my ass. I was forced to work hard and fend for myself so that my son and I could survive. I had bought a house very young and didn't want to lose it to anyone. I broke barriers in my work world because I listened, paid attention, and showed that I wanted to grow. Men gave me a pass for being eager to learn and strong enough physically to handle any task. It helped that I was a quick learner and was able to learn via watching others and mimicking their steps. I was pleased when coworkers actually forgot that I was a woman. I was considered one of the guys when I worked with the tools- I left in 2014. My years of interacting with men have rubbed off on me. I walk into a place with many of the same strong characteristics that my male coworkers exhibit without thinking about it. I stand in masculine energy and I do not know how to "turn it off". Sometimes, I think about being softer in nature. However, I am good with my tough construction worker energy. What do you think about my response to the posed question?

In case you are on Quora, I encourage you to hunt down my posed questions and provide a response. I decided to throw out some questions on Quora as well. I posed two questions on my recent weird dreams. Yes, they were very weird dreams. So far, the feedback on them has ran the gamut of interesting. One woman claims that, "You're sick!" I was humored and responded back sarcastically. I am sure I will blog about in once I get a few more responses coming in. I have to remember a few more other weird dreams and submit them for feedback as well. The dream interpretation varies depending on what part of the world you reside and your ideology. I try to pay attention to dreams since they sometimes result in a subsequent event happening. As of now, Reddit looks very restrictive and frustrating to use. I will have to circle the wagons later to attempt some interaction. As always, thanks for stopping by to read my blog content! Have a safe weekend!


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

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