Sharing My "Chick In A Bucket Truck" Photos & 2 Funny Book Promo Videos


hi everyone!

I figured I would share two funny videos that my son Johnny, when he was about age 8-9 years old, did as a promo for my book #ConstructionTales that is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Audible. For anyone new reading this post, I wrote about my 5.5 year apprenticeship as a female electrician in New York. I wrote about my journey and the wild & lawless co-workers that I met and worked with along the way. I worked in construction back in the 1990's where drugs, booze, and a filthy unfiltered mouth was the gold standard on each job. I was very young (got into the union at 20 years old) and impressionable thinking back. I learned very quick how to survive on the jobsite with my potty mouth and become a craftswoman along the way. I would get a compliment for my pipe work and I would say, "not bad for a girl huh?" I feel like I was born for construction and working with the guys. As I have gotten older and now work in the office, I have gotten accustomed to this life. However, my roots and heart belong out in the field.

Fun fact- bucket truck work is my absolute favorite work that I love to do as an electrician. I just so happen to have the receipts (my photos) of my work in a bucket truck. :P I wish I had taken more pictures on the job over the years. I am grateful for the ones that I do have. I could be working in -40 or 90 degree weather and I still love it!! I almost became a lineman for the local utility company if I didn't get into the union. Instead, I became an inside wire-woman. I am happiest on a jobsite interacting with the crew no matter the temperature, weather, or conditions. I worked for this contractor (in the photos) for almost five years. It was all the hardest work as an electrician. I used to throw 4" rigid on my shoulder like it was nothing. My boss and coworkers thought of me as "one of the guys". I even tried to hide my pregnancy while in a trench back in 2004-2005. Those stories will be told in Construction Tales: Volume 2: My Illuminated Path Continues...

My eldest Tom followed my footsteps (I tried to talk him out of it) and is now an apprentice electrician like his momma. He is also born for the business and absolutely loves what he does. I have yet to find out if my younger son Johnny will follow us into construction. If he does, that will be a unique situation. His dad is an electrician, his mom, and his brother- that would be unique to have an entire family doing the same line of work. Jho is turning 16 years old in about a month. For some of the videos, he had forgotten about doing the videos. He got a good laugh upon reviewing his old work and said he should re-enact the videos. That may be a project in the future.

Check out one of his attempts at being Wilt Chamberlain while hanging out with my late beloved Siamese Bootsie:

Here is another video where he is trying the Wilt Chamberlain promo again. Which one is better? He is amused that anyone has gotten a laugh from his videos. Here is the second video:

As always, thanks for stopping by and getting a laugh or two...or three damn it! :P


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

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