Sharing A Video Slideshow Of My 2013 Renovation Project- Girl Power!! :P

hi everyone!

I am sharing a slide show of one of my many renovation projects.  I recently found renovation photos in an old computer so I plan to put them together in future slide shows.  I kick myself for not better documenting other projects over the years.  I learned how to use the #Animoto program to create a slide show of my photos of my 2013 renovation project.  I started that project in June of 2013 after parting ways with a long term relationship.  This work was done in the evenings and weekends when I had free time to work on it.  I  I loaded an audio to the slide show so I can talk about the project.  I officially built a sheetrock buddy, affectionately called Juan Carlos Santana, and hung rock on the ceiling solo for the first time during that project.  My sons made guest appearances to help with cleanup since video games are more important.  They know that I am capable of doing my own work- they don't even bat an eye when I talk about my home improvement projects.  I do appreciate that I was able to teach my eldest how to hang sheetrock.  I learned how to do renovation work, over the years as an electrician on the jobsites, by watching guys work on the jobsite.  I was even lucky to get some stuff, such as insulation or carpet, that was being thrown away over the years.  I am a huge fan of metal studs so I used them in the project.  I do not like to touch concrete (other than demo), taping (it takes me forever to get it perfect), roof, tile, or sweating copper pipe.  I did bring in a buddy to remove old and install the new baseboards.  I hired a guy to do my !8" x 18" porcelain tile.  Another buddy came in to tape the seams- he LOVED my tight seams!  Everything else is fair game in my book!!  I have some other projects I will film or take photos and discuss the project.  For one of my current projects, I am stripping paint, sanding, and putting some new paint on the walls.  Additionally, my girlfriend Melissa bought a house this year so she has some renovation projects to pitch in and help her out.  Check out my video and let me know what you think about the project.  I think it turned out beautiful and was indeed a labor of love! :)

On another note, we should be releasing another podcast episode this upcoming weekend.  So far any of our feedback on Episode 1: Lot Lizard was good- other than Melissa's audio was too low.  We are learning how to use the equipment- our Verbally Disastrous name sure rings true.  Melissa and I have been occupied lately.  To make matters even worse, we tried discussing the "Gorilla Glue" lady and Melissa's audio was not picked up.  We may try to re-discuss this upcoming weekend or scrap it entirely.  I wish you to have a great week and keep warm and dry!  Thanks for stopping by!


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

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