Sharing A Work Prank From 2012 On YouTube

hi everyone!

 I am sharing a work prank on a coworker, back in 2012, that I got in on with another coworker back when I still worked with the tools. I had forgotten that we pulled the prank- after all, I have been involved with so many in my career. We had a coworker that used to easily drift off to sleep while at work. A plan at his expense was hatched. At first we joked about having an air horn app on the phone. At the time, back in 2012, I don't think we had one that would be as effective. Why not bring one to work?? We found the opportunity and we decided to strike! I operated as the camera person while my coworker got within ear shot and let loose on the horn. It was super hard to contain the laughter. We had just challenged an apprentice to a 30-pack White Castle Challenge on the jobsite- we have that on film as well. Compared to modern camera phones, the films from 2012 are not as good. However, I will share them nonetheless. Here is the airhorn prank that we played on another coworker:

As always, thank for stopping by to check out my content! I hope it makes you laugh and you share with others.


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

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