Uploaded Daisy (dog) Vs Bootsie (cat) videos on YouTube

hello everyone! 

I was digging into old files in a retired computer and stumbled on some old video gems. My Siamese cat (may she R.I.P.) named Bootsie used to play with my two Jack Russell dogs named Daisy and Otis. whenever we used to take the dogs on a walk, my cat would follow to mess around with them. It was super precious to see them now that my Bootsie had to be put down. I remember Otis finding Bootsie when she was dying of kidney failure. Otis was nudging her trying to figure out what was wrong with her. She jumped up to greet him but then got back down into her previous pose in bed. Animals are a joy despite a lot of hair and messes to clean up after them. Animals are the joys of the childhood of my children as well as my adult memories. So far, I have found, despite being grainy, three cute videos of the animals interacting to share on YouTube. Here they are:

Clip #1:


Clip #2:


Clip #3:



Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

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