I Have Two Spotify Podcast Channels. Sharing The New Spotify, Pocket Casts, & Anchor Profile


Hello Everyone!

In order to get onto Apple Podcasts (as I shared yesterday), I have to use a hosting platform.  I also had to create a podcasts account with iTunes Connect.  I am using Soundtrap to create the podcast episodes.  Soundtrap doesn't use an RSS feed.  They just integrate the podcasts onto Spotify since the two companies are connected.  I stumbled upon Anchor via converting this WordPress blog into an audio format.  Anchor is also connected to Spotify.  At the time, I didn't realize the amount of features that Anchor has to offer.  I feel like I accidentally stumbled upon a gold mine of tools!  On top of the treasure of tools, you get an opportunity to make money via ad revenue.  Therefore, I chose Anchor since it is free and the hosting platform distributes your podcast to many other platforms besides just Spotify.  In addition to creating your own iTunes Connect path to Apple Podcasts, you get automatically launched onto: Breaker, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public. As a result, I will technically have two Spotify channels for The Verbally Disastrous Podcast With Leslie M. Jasper & Melissa Polito.  The way you can tell which channel will be via the old channel uses just our first names and the new channel uses both first and last names.  Obviously, I am winging this as I move along. I wish I knew all of this ahead of time.  I plan to keep both Spotify channels up to date.  That is unless some unforeseen circumstances prevent me from doing so.  With the 2nd Anchor profile that I created yesterday, the new podcast channel will be gradually added to more platforms.  I sure hope I am saving somebody some time launching their own podcast with reading about my struggle to launch mine.  Hopefully, I am serving as a more streamline roadmap to creating a podcast?  As of checking it today, here is the new Spotify podcast channel:


The Verbally Disastrous Podcast & Construction Tales Audio Blog is already on Pocket Casts with a white logo that says "The Audio Blog".  Here is the link to the new Verbally Disastrous Podcast With Leslie M. Jasper & Melissa Polito that is also now on Pocket Casts:


The Verbally Disastrous Podcast & Construction Tales Audio Blog is already on Anchor.  Here is the Anchor profile for The Verbally Disastrous Podcast With Leslie M. Jasper & Melissa Polito:


I am watching periodically, like an expectant father, and waiting patiently for iTunes Connect to load my podcast onto Apple Podcasts!! I found the Audio Blog on Apple Podcasts last night and shared.  I was beyond thrilled about figuring it out!  However, I am still waiting for the podcast to load.  I will then share and load it to my Anchor profile. As I stated in the previous post, let me know if you have an Apple podcast so I can go support it as a new member.  As always, you have many options for content around the globe.  I am honored that you have chosen to stop by my projects to review them with your precious time. I wish you a productive Wednesday and the remainder of the work week.


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, Pocket Casts, YouTube, Anchor, and Soundcloud.  Now coming to: Breaker, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and Radio Public.

-The Audio Blog: Verbally Disastrous Podcast & Construction Tales Blog. Now available on: Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, and Spotify.

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