Just Released Episode #7: Apprentice Life- Part A on Spotify & YouTube!!

Hello everyone!

I have invited my two sons, Tom & Johnny, as special guests on the podcast.  We all got together and spent hours drinking some brews and discussing a wide variety of topics.  We broadcasted for about 4 hours during our last get together.  Apprentice Life has multiple parts (A to E) to the discussion.  I would like to call it a podcast mini-series.  Soundtrap crashed and didn't let me have it as a giant episode.  After some thought, it was best to offer the monster of an episode in smaller bites.  I would hate to bore anyone with a 2-hr podcast. Johnny and I are both interviewing Tom since he followed me into the business as an electrician apprentice.  Johnny is vowing to follow us into the business.  I know his father and I don't want to see him ruin his back, knees, neck, etc. via working in the field.  Technically, his father is more against it than I am.  When he becomes an adult, his path is his choice.  I can only persuade him like tying him with chains while he is sleeping and threaten with a chainsaw (kidding-of course).  I am trying to talk him into electrical engineering. Tom and I shared various jobsite construction tales.  Many are humorous in nature.  Johnny added observation comments and his interest in masonry that he is doing at a vocational school as per his high school curriculum. and life as a 4th year union apprentice.  The cool thing is both Tom and I inspire Johnny to find a career path that he will love and will look forward to waking up each day.  Overall, the dynamics are very much the same as when we have personal discussions.  The cool thing is that the guys like the concept and want to do it again in the near future.  I told Johnny that we are going to work on some podcast episodes next week.  He needs to do his research ahead of time.  I shall see what kinds of odd topics he will want to discuss with me.

Obviously, the episodes tend to sound like construction workers with the profanity.  Yes, I am included in that statement.  I tried to edit some of it out since it can be distracting.  However, I am sure I am not the only well of profanity that they have drawn from over the years.  I didn't want to remove all cursing.  I would feel like I am trying to be inauthentic.  Besides, it is hard to wash away the potty mouths completely when you have three people chiming in at any given moment.  Yes, I have an honest policy in my family.  Some confessions of terrible behavior may not be revealed at the moment.  However, it is pretty safe to say that I am aware of 89% of the dirty deeds of my sons after the fact.  I totally expect some things sworn into secrecy amongst themselves.  I found out later that my eldest son experimented with some drugs in high school.  I am actually somewhat relieved that they both favor weed and not into much anything else.  In the episodes, it is obvious that they both speak freely amongst me.  I am the female ear where they come to me for the female perspective.  I do tend to think, after many years in construction, that I think more like a man than a woman.  I am that person who thinks that I can be a mother figure and I can also be a friend to my sons.  I look forward to the day when Tom gets married and has my grand children- that is coming soon.  I can only hope he has a child that will be the mirror image of himself as a child.  Any who, here Episode #7: Apprentice Life- Part A on YouTube:


Here is the link for the entire collection of podcast episodes on Spotify:


As always, I thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and website. You have many options and I am honored that you have chosen my content. Please offer some thoughts about the Apprentice Life podcast mini-series. I will appreciate the input. I wish you a great work week ahead!


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud

-The Audio Blog: Verbally Disastrous Podcast & Construction Tales Blog: Now available on: Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, and Spotify

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