Sharing Comedy Central's Jessa Reed's "Meth Pee- This Is Not Happening" Stand-up Skit!


Photo Credit: Comedy Central on YouTube, Comedian Jessa Reed Hello Everyone! I had previously shared that my son Johnny wanted to discuss about a comedian who mentioned drinking "meth urine". I didn't do any research on the subject prior to discussing it with both of my sons. I find the subject matter to be shocking, humorous, and such a weird discovery all wrapped up in one bundle of emotions. I just decided to go find the comedian Johnny was talking about. Her name is Jessa Reed and she is a stand-up comedian is from Portland, Oregon. She was a young meth addict in her 20's who was first accidentally introduced to crystal meth. During the stand-up monologue, she discussed her journey to being a drug addict and what led up to her circumstances and eventual decision to quitting meth use. Here is the Meth Pee- This Is Not Happening Comedy Central skit on YouTube: I wish I had watched Jessa Reed's comedy skit before talking with my sons about it. I found it to be enlightening on the depths one goes in order to get high. The irony of how disgusted she was to drink out of a dirty toothbrush holder yet not disgusted enough on the urine portion. However, that point was monumental for her to seek help and become sober. I feel frustrated for her how she got hooked on the drug in the beginning. Then again, submersing yourself in those seedy environments can spawn deeper, darker activity. I now have a bunch of questions to ask Johnny about it. It surely was a missed opportunity that I regret not seizing. However, we are scheduled to get together this week and talk about teen social issues. I plan to get in some questions, that I had missed previously, when we get to that topic of discussion. Now you have the back story on why Johnny suggested such an odd topic for discussion. With this back story, here are Parts A-D from Apprentice Life that have been loaded to YouTube and Spotify on The Verbally Disastrous Podcast With Leslie & Melissa. Here is the first part A on podcast Episode #7 Apprentice Life: Part A: Here is the second part B on podcast Episode #8 Apprentice Life: Part B: Here is the third part C on podcast Episode #9 Apprentice Life: Part C: Here is the last part D on podcast Episode #10 Apprentice Life: Part D: Here is the link on Spotify all of the 10 Verbally Disastrous episodes to date: As always, I thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and website. You have many options and I am honored that you have chosen my content. Please offer some thoughts about the entire Apprentice Life podcast mini-series. What do you think of Jessa Reed's story on drinking her own urine? From a sober mind, it sounds like sheer desperation!! Lengths I am not willing to do. I will appreciate the input. I wish you a great work week ahead! Cheers! Leslie M. Jasper -Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud -The Audio Blog: Verbally Disastrous Podcast & Construction Tales Blog. 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