Checking Out "Hey! Look At My Thing" Podcast Content! A Future Joint Podcast With Their Team And Mine!

 Hello Everyone!

I have to check out a podcast of a person who contacted me on Twitter this week. He/She/They retweeted one of my posts and I did the same for 'em as soon as I saw it. I appreciate support from people since I am not owed and it is kind. It was a pleasure to return the favor. I didn't have to be asked. I find the name of the podcast to be very amusing. Perhaps this podcast group with vibe well with Melissa and I's brand of humor. The podcast name is entitled, "Hey! Look At My Thing". I have to ask how they came across the name. I will share with them on Twitter. Perhaps they will respond down below in the comments. I promised to check out some episodes and see if there is a viable topic where we can get together and cross promote our content. I did even better than that with this blog post. It appears that this podcast is new as well with 16 episodes. I suspect that the content is amusing so I will listen as soon as I get a chance. I have my sons coming over to have dinner tomorrow. If I remember, I will play for the group to get their input. They share my sense of humor as does Melissa. I will then offer an overview with feedback from the group. I signed up on some websites with the goal of finding people to check out each other's content and discuss it. When you are starting out, it is very crucial to get some traction on the internet. Here is a screenshot of Hey! Look At My Thing on Spotify:

Photo Credit: Hey! Look At My Thing on Spotify

Here is the Spotify link to Hey! Look At My Thing:


Episode #16: That Unnhh Thing {Uargghh! I can relate!}

Episode #15: That Nero Wolfe Thing {WTF Is that about?}

Episode #14: That John Dies At The End Thing {Now I don't need to listen-thanks}

Episode #13: That Stardew Valley Thing {I see you are not superstitious} 

Episode #12: That Columbo Thing  {Sshh! Don't speak on the mafia!}

Episode #11: That Transistor Thing  {Switching Things Up?}

Episode #10: That Curious Creations of Christine McConnell Thing  {Okay Christine!}

Episode #9: That Gilmore Girls Thing  {Sounds Like Ddrrammaa!!!}

Episode #8:That Tiny Beautiful Things Thing  {Dynamite comes in small packages- ALL LIES!}

Episode #7: That JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Thing  {Smells weird, strange, & dangerous!}

Episode #6: That Girl Genius Thing  {Brilliant!}

Episode #5: That Donut County Thing {Officer, I can explain everything!}

Episode #4: That Harry Potter And The Sacred Text Thing {Drawing a blank on this spellbinding tale!}

Episode #3: That Pushing Daisies Thing  {My mortally favorite title!}

Episode #2: That Wire Thing {I do my best work in the dark checking for shorts!}

Episode #1: That Legend of Korra Thing  {Sounds video game-ey!}

Yes, I decided to go ahead and share the 16 title names of the Hey! Look At My Thing podcast. I also offered some playful unsolicited comments next to the titles. :P I see that there is a distinct pattern with the titles. I find that funny. So far, I like That Pushing Daisies Thing as my favorite title. If you see a title that sounds amusing to you, let me know. If you are aware of the podcast, by all means share. If you happen to be the host of the podcast, please comment. I didn't dive into where their website can be found. Perhaps the owner will share so I can edit this post. My editing of my Episode #14 has messed up my whole week of completing other tasks! Grrhh!! I just shared their podcast link with my two sons. I shall see what they say about the content and share. Here are some questions that I have for the owners of the podcast. When they respond, I shall share the feedback.

  1. What was your inspiration for the podcast content?
  2. What was your inspiration for the podcast title, episode titles, and cover art?
  3. Where in the world are you from?
  4. How do you draw your topics of discussion?
  5. When did you launch your podcast?
  6. What challenges did you face when you launched your podcast?
  7. What is your website/blog?
  8. Who is your hosting platform?
  9. Are you on Apple Podcasts? If so, share the link.
  10. What 3 tips would you give brand new podcasters that you learned the hard way?

Well, that is all that I have for this post. If you have a question, please leave a comment below. If you want to share your podcast with me, go ahead and share. If you do the same for me, I will be honored to check your content out and write about it as well. I am in favor of sharing content but spamming my comments section repeatedly is rude and pisses me off! You can post one comment; that is fine. I wouldn't think to spam on other people's blogs. Well, maybe I would. :P I realize people have different shitty & annoying marketing plans. Any previous interest in your comment just deep dived into the toilet because of your approach. Read the room Damnit! In a mountain range of content from around the world, I am honored you have hiked up my mountain and explored my cave of data. Thanks for stopping by this chick's blog. It is highly appreciated. I hope you are getting absolutely bombed tonight at a bar and reading my content hungover on Sunday morning/afternoon. I will live vicariously through you. For those folks who are low key, I respect that. I wish you all a good ongoing weekend! :)


Leslie M. Jasper

-Author & Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Soundcloud, Spotify, and YouTube.  Other platforms include: Acast, I Heart Radio, Listen Notes, Overcast, Player FM, Pod Bean, Podcast Addict, Podcast Gang, Podchaser, Stitcher, Tune In.

-The Audio Blog: Verbally Disastrous Podcast & Construction Tales Blog. Now available on: Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Breaker, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, and Spotify.  I will announce more platforms very soon.

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