Vol. #43: Showcasing (3) More Awesome Gang Authors!!

Photo Credit: The Verbally Disastrous Podcast- (2) New Episodes On Spotify Hello Everyone! How we doing on our Monday afternoon?? Here's a gentle reminder that my first children's book entitled, "Not All Girls Play With Dolls" is now live on Amazon in both paperback and as a Kindle, an iTunes e-book, and for Nook via Barnes & Noble!! As of today, the Barnes & Noble Nook e-book is still pending approval. I intend on having the audio version of the book as well. Have you ever worked on getting a children's book online? Are you a budding author who just launched your book/podcast!? It's important to have all of the social media platforms and build your brand via networking with others. I find great power in the hashtag as well. My hashtags are #LeslieMJasper, #ConstructionTales, and #VerballyDisastrous. Share with me your hashtag and connect with me on social media. If you could also network with my 16-year-old son John's "Call To Action Marketing" business (hashtag #CTAMarketing), that would be helpful and highly appreciated. This post is intended to share even more work of some independent authors, such as myself, and earn some good karma in the process. Why not offer you a taste of a variety of authors with different content? Let me know if you have discovered a new author during this "Showcased Author Series"? My objective is to pick out different authors that offer a variety of media content. For the record, I know nothing about the author other than what is showcased in the author article that was shared, via Awesome Gang. Feel free to copy and paste and share this content on your blog, if you like. As an author, if you want to add more information, drop it down in the comment section below and I will edit and add at my earliest convenience. For now, I'm connecting with the authors in an effort to build my author network. Hopefully, they will follow me back on social media. I'm game to cross promote each other on social media as well. Just let me know or re-tweet one of my posts and I will automatically return the favor on Twitter. I'm totally cool with many ways to help each other market each other. When you are a small content creator, it is important to help others out. I recently shared some free marketing websites in a blog post. I've even submitted #ConstructionTales to both Awesome Gang and Book Reader Magazine recently. I recently submitted my children's book to Awesome Gang and Book Goodies while currently working on other avenues. My first children's book #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls is intended to empower young kids to pursue their passions even if it is not normally the tradition in their society. Here are (3) showcased authors down below: Showcased Author- 1.) J.P. Charles Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am an afficianado of all things literary, automotive and have always been passionate about writing. For many years, it has been a lifelong dream to be a published author and tell a good story. I like to write short stories, poetry and have completed one full length novel which is a part of a series. When not writing, I enjoy working on cars and listening to all genres of music. What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? The romantic thriller that I completed is entitled The Rabbit and The Dragonfly and it has been inspired by a lot of elements of my personal life and experiences. What authors, or books have influenced you? The works of Niholas Sparks, Ian Fleming and Stieg Larsson have been my main influences. What are you working on now? The sequel to my debut novel. What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? To use all available resources such as social media and book clubs. Do you have any advice for new authors? Just keep your dreams alive and never settle for second best. What are you reading now? Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. What’s next for you as a writer? To move to California and get married. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring? The first four books by Terry Goodkind. Author Websites and Profiles J.P. Charles Website: https://keoughcharles77.wixsite.com/jpcharles J.P. Charles Amazon Profile: https://www.amazon.com/J.P.-Charles/e/B09VXXZYN6 Showcased Author- 2.) Isla Ryder Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Isla Ryder grew up around horses but never owned one of her own, instead settling for riding lessons and every horse book she could find. When those books stopped being enough, she began writing her own. Throughout school, she loved creative writing classes and earned a BDIC degree from UMass Amherst. She has published a series of sweet cowboy romance novellas and loves working with other authors as an alpha reader and developmental editor. What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? Boundary Lines is the final book in my Harris Twins Series. It follows two brothers and their family ranch. I have always loved horses and have been riding as long as I can remember. I’ve been at many farms over the years, in all different riding disciplines and situations—show barns, auction barns, family farms—and I wanted to write something that I could use all those little experiences to make feel authentic. When I started book one of the series, I wasn’t sure it would be a series at all, but as I began, I knew there was much deeper to go and I couldn’t stand to leave the ranch just yet. Soon after, books two and three followed to round out the series. Do you have any unusual writing habits? I tend to write fast. I don’t do a lot of plotting or planning. I sit down and just type with a vague outline in mind. Characters always come to me through dialog and the way they speak for before I have a physical idea of them and I don’t worry much about searching my mind for those types of descriptions until I start revising. If I pause too long to worry about it, my flow is broken. Understanding what a first draft is for (getting the story down) has really helped my writing. What authors, or books have influenced you? I like to read many genres. I don’t have many favorites, but I admire prolific writers—the ones that can’t seem to stop producing creative work. I connect with that need to create and hope someday to be among them. What are you working on now? Right now I am putting the finishing touches on a short story prequel to my Harris Twins Series that features the twins’ parents meet-cute and first date. It can be a total stand-alone but gives some fun tidbits for the main series, such as how the ranch gets its name. When I hit publish on Boundary Lines (book 3) I was bereft—I wasn’t ready to leave the ranch, so that same day I started this story and I can’t wait to share it with readers. What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? I am still learning about marketing, and love exploring really niche groups within my genre of sweet cowboy romance. I also love stepping outside of ‘reader specific’ areas and jumping into horse groups and pages. Horse people can be leery of horse fiction, and with good reason, as many writers don’t do enough research and have never lived the life. I enjoy offering something authentic to them and seeing them come around and get back into horse fiction without being worried about being pulled from the story by inaccuracies. Do you have any advice for new authors? Just start writing! I know that seems obvious but you can edit a draft but you can’t turn a blank page into a bestseller. Find someone who believes in you and your story and work with them or trade critiques. Be open to suggestions but know that you aren’t obligated to take 100% of someone’s advice. It is your story, after all! What is the best advice you have ever heard? The best advice I’ve heard echos the advice I like to give. I think I got the sentiment originally from a NaNoWriMo pep talk back in my senior year of high school when I did not know what I was doing, only that I wanted to write. And I did. I ‘won’ Nano that year with my 50k novel. Was it good? No, but it was finished—I had done it and that was enough to show me I could do it. The next time would be better, and the time after that it would be even more so. Even now, if I look back at my writing from only a few years ago, I can see how I’ve improved. You just have to keep writing and keep revising and you will make progress. What are you reading now? I am currently reading Like Water Catching Fire by E.M. Lindsey. While it is not a typical pick for me, I won it in a contest and am pleasantly surprised by it. It portrays a deaf character in a very realistic and sensible way that doesn’t feel likes it’s just for show or hashtags. It is also surprisingly sweet. I may look into more books from them. What’s next for you as a writer? Right now, I am working with a group of writer friends to create a sweet romance anthology. Collecting, critiquing and polishing up stories from many authors—both new and established is so fun and rewarding and has prompted me to make sure that my submissions are as good as they can be too. Next up will probably be a stand-alone equestrian romance based in the show-jumping world. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring? There are very few books that I ever re-read but I can list them off in a heart-beat: The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, Einsteins Dreams by Alan Lightman, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. My fourth would likely be House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. It’s a gorgeous book, but it has been on my nightstand waiting to be read for far too long. Author Websites and Profiles Isla Ryder Website: https://mailchi.mp/d07911f52f96/islaryderauthor Isla Ryder Amazon Profile: https://www.amazon.com/Isla-Ryder/e/B09GMNYCNQ Showcased Author- 3.) Michael Walker-Thomas Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am an Educator, Author, Poet and Owner from Philadelphia, Pa. I found my love for writing at a young age by reading Encyclopedia Brown, Magic School Bus and Goosebumps. My writing influences are W.E.B. Du Bois, Carter G. Woodson, Jean Michel Basquiat and James Baldwin. I also love the movies Finding Forrester, He Got Game, Super 8 and Inception as writing inspirations. I am the author of several books, including A Boy With a Dream, Sibling Strong, Chess Moves, The Voices You May Not Hear and The Voices You May Not Hear:The Lost Pages. You can follow me on Instagram @ BookofMichael What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? My most recent book, The Voices You May Not Hear: The Lost Pages, is a collection of poems about life and other avenues. The book is part 2 of a series that focuses on voices that you may not hear. The stories could be real and it puts the reader in the mind of the characters. Do you have any unusual writing habits? I just sit down and write. My writing process consists of Mozart, a piece of paper, and Twizzlers haha. I love just writing what comes to my mind and typing it. I have a gift of creating stories and I can’t write them out, I have to just write what comes to my mind. What authors, or books have influenced you? I have many haha. Maya Angelou, W.E.B Du Bois, Gwendolyn Brooks, Langston Hughes, James Baldwin. I have more, but those are my core five. One of my biggest book inspirations is The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois. What are you working on now? I am working on two new book. I have on finished that I am waiting to put out. I am waiting on a few publishers to get back to me. These next three project I am very excited about. What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? Amazon or Barnes and Nobles. I love also promoting on my Instagram. Do you have any advice for new authors? I would tell them to write when they have an idea and thought. Do not wait to write a book or a page. If you want to write, WRITE!. A great writer loves what they do, it is the ideas that makes the writer. What is the best advice you have ever heard? Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. What are you reading now? I am currently reading Barack Obama’s new book. It is a great read. What’s next for you as a writer? I am a few projects coming out and I am also going to be speaking at some events this summer. I have so much to look forward to as a writer. I am just getting started. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring? The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B Du Bois A Boy With a Dream by Michael Walker-Thomas No Name in the Street by James Baldwin Any Encyclopedia Brown Mystery Book Author Websites and Profiles Michael Walker-Thomas Website: https://www.instagram.com/bookofmichael/ Michael Walker-Thomas Amazon Profile: https://www.amazon.com/Michael-Walker-Thomas/e/B075VPX3B9 You are appreciated for stopping by to review all of this great author content that I have shared with you today. Hopefully, you are enjoying the author summaries of some new authors that are out on the market. Perhaps we have found a future best seller? Let me know, in the comment section below, if you either like or dislike the author showcase content? I'm also sharing my latest (8) podcast episodes that are listed down below from The Verbally Disastrous Podcast, via links for Spotify & YouTube down below. If you are into reading on a Kindle, check out my newest short story release that belongs to my Construction Tales-Told By A Woman Kindle Vella Library short story series on Amazon down below. This new short story #11 is entitled, "Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools". This short story covers my life as a widowed, single mother in the era when I juggled both motherhood and my career as a journeywoman electrician. The previous short story is #10 is entitled, "Early Life Lessons & Characters To Meet As An Apprentice". If anyone has read any of my other previous short stories, by all means, let me know what you think? Check out the links for my book #ConstructionTales down below. I'm sharing with you my blog posts this afternoon while juggling work. Try to enjoy your Monday now that we are back to the work week again. I wish you a great morning/afternoon/evening on your side of the globe and a restful or productive day!
Photo Credit: Call To Action Marketing Logo- John Collazo, CEO Link To Construction Tales: Volume I: A Woman's Journey To Become An Electrician (Paperback & Kindle) On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Construction-Tales-Womans-Journey-Electrician/dp/1467960160 Link To Construction Tales: A Young Person's Guide To Accomplish Anything In Life (Paperback & Kindle) On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Construction-Tales-Persons-Accomplish-Anything/dp/1497593115 U.S.A.: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/B07P5PNCS7/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-144253&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_144253_rh_us United Kingdom: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B07P5PP7RW/?source_code=AUKFrDlWS02231890H6-BK-ACX0-144253&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_144253_rh_uk France, Belgium, Switzerland: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: https://www.audible.fr/pd/B07P7RYP4G/?source_code=FRAORWS022318903B-BK-ACX0-144253&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_144253_rh_fr Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: https://www.audible.de/pd/B07P8W3MVY/?source_code=EKAORWS0223189009-BK-ACX0-144253&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_144253_rh_de VERBALLY DISASTROUS PODCAST EPISODE LINKS: Here is the link to the Verbally Disastrous Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2dFYgX4dUiHaMfJ4gigLY0?si=KcR-D8RyRnKGk1wuPOqa1Q&dl_branch=1 Verbally Disastrous! Season #1, Episode #43: Part A- Tramping In Cali! on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6XzVL9ybKHA Verbally Disastrous! Season #1, Episode #44: Part B- Tramping In Cali! on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TFDLB5talUo Verbally Disastrous! Season #1, Episode #45: Part C- Tramping In Cali! on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nYRVJNya0lU Verbally Disastrous! Season #2, Episode #46:Early Life Lessons & Characters To Meet As An Apprentice On YouTube: https://youtu.be/IcQ4-uGankA Verbally Disastrous Podcast! S#2, Ep. #47: Part A- Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qWhf4lGmcXo Verbally Disastrous Podcast! S#2, Ep. #48: Part B- Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wO8nXSRw7sU Verbally Disastrous Podcast- S#2, Episode #49: Just Released Not All Girls Play With Dolls!! on YouTube: https://youtu.be/go1FdOI5eYY Verbally Disastrous Podcast- S#2, Episode #50: My First 7 Weeks As A Site Safety Manager on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_DKA-q72dNw I recently shared my latest short story that has been loaded up to my Construction Tales-Told By A Woman Kindle Vella Library on Amazon. This is short story #11 entitled, "Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools". This short story covers my life as a widowed, single mother in the era when I juggled both motherhood and my career as a journeywoman electrician. I share the various challenges I faced and lessons learned along the way. The previous short story is entitled: #10: "Early Life Lessons & Characters To Meet As An Apprentice". I decided to write about some life lessons such as guarding your personal information, managing nasty rumors, combating sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and racism. Overall, the construction culture has improved dramatically over the past 25-years. Developing both a thick skin and a sharp tongue are key tools needed to survive various jobsite antics. I hope you learn something from this short story. There are more to come. These short stories are now also available as Verbally Disastrous podcast episodes. Construction Tales- Told By A Woman: (11) Kindle Vella Short Stories On Amazon!! https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/product/B096N8NSGM The Verbally Disastrous Store On Tee-Spring:
https://my-store-c1f946.creator-spring.com Cheers! Leslie M. Jasper -Author And Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on many platforms that include: Acast, Amazon Music, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Deezer, Google Podcasts, I Heart Radio, Listen Notes, Overcast, Pandora Podcasts, Player FM, Pocket Casts, Pod Bean, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Podcast Gang, Radio Public, Reason, Soundcloud, Soundtrap, Spotify, Stitcher, Tune In, and YouTube. -The Audio Blog: Verbally Disastrous Podcast And Construction Tales Blog. Now available on: Acast, Amazon Music, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Deezer, Google Podcasts, I Heart Radio, Listen Notes, Overcast, Pandora Podcasts, Player FM, Pocket Casts, Pod Bean, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Podcast Gang, Radio Public, Reason, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, and Tune In. #CTAMarketing, #PhotacularImagery, #KindleVella, #FreeBritney, #AmazonMusic, #AnastasiaTaranenko, #Fiverr, #Tad_Art, #PandoraPodcasts, #Soundtrap, #ConstructionTales, #audio, #intro, #fun, #hot, #mess, #creations, #Connecticut, #NewYork, #family, #foolery, #podcast, #Spotify, #VerballyDisastrous, #new, #topics, #howto, #secrets, #women, #powerful, #strong, #shorts, #men, #teen, #trynottolaugh, #edgy, #realistic, #explicit, #mature, #shocking, #thoughtprovoking, #fresh, #dark, #mustwatch, #Soundcloud, #YouTube, #Johnny, #creative, #IABX, #Reddit, #community, #Leslie@VerbDisastrous, #strongwomen, #womaninconstruction, #empower, #gender, #ICanDOIT, #femalerenovator, #renovation, #project, #womanconstructionproject, #strong, #slideshow, #2013Project, #learnbywatching, #girlpower, #sheetrock, #tape, #electrical, #plumbing, #tile, #dust, #dirt, #debris, #basement, #paint, #renovate, #insulation, #hihats, #wiring, #metalstuds, #screws, #workout, #Johnny, #promo, #videos, #creative, #sons, #discusswithmom, #topics, #Tom, #openconversation, #Johnny, episodes, #LotLizard, #AmazonPrime, #video, #documentary, #Netflix, #gorillaglue, #gorilla, #glue, #spray, #gorillagluewoman, #hair, #hairsurgery, #LosAngeles, #DrObeng, #plasticsurgeon, #alcoholic, #drinks, #testing, #episodes, #release, #soon, #alcoholic #samples, #RevelStoke, #NewAmsterdam, #PinkWhitney, #WickedPickle, #BirdDog, #blackberry, #whiskey, #vodka, #99Bananas, #OleSmokey, #Tswoooh23_, #videogaming, #streaming, #OSHA502, #renewal, #trainthetrainer, #RIT, #Anchor, #Breaker, #GooglePodcasts, #PocketCasts, #RadioPublic, #article, #life, #apprentice, #ComedyCentral, #skit, #JessaReid, #ApplePodcasts, #Deezer, #Podchaser, #PodBean, #TuneIn, #Castbox, #PlayerFM, #iHeartRadio, #Stitcher, #Acast, #PodcastGang, #PodcastAddict, #ziplining, #AdventurePark, #presskit, #SayNoToRapists, #JusticeForUwa, #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls #Scholastic #nonfiction #bookstagram #DropEverythingAndRead #SpringBookFair2021 #LoveOfReading #Reading #ConstructionTales #books #funny #NYC #podcast #Spotify #VerballyDisastrous #bookfair #bookjoy #ReadAnywhere #LoveToRead #AllForBooks #Adult #FBF21 #LBF21 #BEA21 #IKBF21 #KLF21 #HKTDC21 #GBF21 #IIBF21 #LATFOB21 #SIBF21 #FILBO21 #EIBF21 #BAIBF21 #MIBF21 #BIDLDSP21 #BS21 #BBF21 #HIBF21 #IBTAF21 #IBBF21 #ITEF21 #JLF21 #JIBF21 #LBF21 #NDWBF21 #TiBE21 #TIBF21 #BCBF21 #LIVREPARIS21 #SDLDM21 #HBF21 #FIL21 #IIBF21 #SBF21 #BuchWein21 #VIBF21 #ADIBF21 #AIPF21 #bookstagram #book #bukuislami #b #bukumurah #islamicbookfair #buku #booklover #bukusejarah #buchberlin #booklove #cher #bookshelf #internationalbookfair #bookholic #jualbuku #jualbukumurah #reading #obralbuku #bukuindie #bukujogja #tokobukumurah #buchmesse #langka #pasarbuku #bukulangka #bhfyp #jualbelibukuonline #onlineshop #jualanonline #booklovers #anresbooks #readingbooks #booksofinstagram #boekuitstalling #buch #bookish #buchberlinkids #tokobukuonline #boimela #lesen #bookworm #poetry #gontor #fbm #bazarbuku #bookreview #berlin #read #writer #berlinerbuchmesse #buchmesseberlin #author #instabooks #boekverkoping #virtualbookfair #bookaddict


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