Advice: Meanings Behind "Let Me Look Into That" & "Excuse You"

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! What's on your agenda for your Tuesday? I'm having a good birthday week this week. My born day is this upcoming Friday. As a kid, by the time it's my birthday, I knew that it was time to go back to school. As an adult, I don't get that much down time. If you are off for the summer, how did you spend your summer now that it is wrapping up shortly? Before I proceed with the purpose of this blog post, I might as well share with you my latest Amazon promotions for some of my books. My first children's e-book entitled, "Not All Girls Play With Dolls" will be available from August 22nd to the 29th at reduced prices. My first adult e-book entitled, "Construction Tales: Volume I: A Woman's Journey To Become An Electrician" recently finished being showcased in the Kindle Countdown Deal, back on August 18th, in the U.S. and U.K. markets. I was unable to renew the adult version in the Kindle Countdown Deal. However, I was able to add my edited teen version entitled, "Construction Tales: A Young Person's Guide To Accomplish Anything In Life" to the Kindle Countdown Deal from August 21st to the 28th. Let me know what Amazon market that you are in and I will work on a promotion in your region once I'm eligible to do so? Don't forget to check out my latest Tik Tok videos that are now published and available on YouTube. For this blog post, I'm sharing more Quora questions and my responses with you. For the first question, the topic is on the meaning behind the phrase, "let me look into that". For the second topic, this subject is on the meaning behind saying the phrase, "excuse you". I've heard people say that when the other person fails to hold the door open for them or fails to say "thank you" after walking through a door held open for them. I do agree that no one owes you anything. Therefore, if someone does something kind, be sure to say thank you. On the other hand, saying "excuse you" only calls out selfish behavior. It certainly doesn't eradicate the person's selfish ways. If saying that passive aggressive phrase is going to lead to an altercation, you have to assess if that is worth it? Most of the time I would say that responding is just not worth it. What are your thoughts on the two topics raised today? Go ahead and read further for the posed questions and the matching responses below: POSED QUESTION #1: "What does it mean when a person says, "Let me look into that"?" MY RESPONSE #1: "Well, I believe the answer lies within the person speaking and the topic at hand. A person who is faking knowledge and experience will say that phrase to buy them time to find the actual answer. On the other hand, the person could be stalling with taking action by saying that they need to explore further on the data before making the move. They may not even be looking for the answer and just pushing off the person who posed the question. If they keep stalling, eventually the person will stop asking. I find those type of people to be very frustrating. Just speak up and say that you don’t wish to do the legwork and provide an answer. In some cases, the posed question is unique and not within a person’s knowledge database. In an effort to not provide incorrect information, the person seeks advice from a person with known experience to confirm the answer. May you find the answers that you seek along your life path! #ConstructionTales #VerballyDisastrous #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls" By: Leslie M. Jasper POSED QUESTION #2: "Why do people say "Excuse you" even after I've let them have the right of way in a narrow hallway?" MY RESPONSE #2: "It’s indeed an angry, passive aggressive response. The person is displeased with their perception of your role in the interaction. It’s the quickest way to indirectly convey that they didn’t like what you did in the hallway. It’s better to say that quick and keep it moving and not invite even further conflict. The person saying it may already just be angry and on edge. Your behavior may have worked to escalate an already bitchy person into anger overdrive. In other words, your hallway behavior was very minor. However, it pushed the person into an angry fit. The angry person may have a short temper and just prone to lashing out at anyone nearby. They perceive anyone’s behavior as either confrontational or selfish. The story depends on the behavior and perception. After all, no matter how flat the pancake, there is always (3) sides: 1) your 2) theirs 3) the truth. May you avoid the pitfalls of people taking their anger out on you on your life path. #ConstructionTales #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls #VerballyDisastrous" Thanks for stealing a glance at my blog post content today. Don't forget to follow me at leslie_m_jasper on Tik Tok or Verbally Disastrous on YouTube. Share your feedback on my content down in the comment section at the bottom of the blog post. If you appreciate listening to podcasts, I encourage you to review my last (8) podcast episodes that are listed down below from The Verbally Disastrous Podcast, via links for Spotify & YouTube down below. If you are into reading on a Kindle, check out my newest short story release that belongs to my Construction Tales-Told By A Woman Kindle Vella Library short story series on Amazon down below. My last short story #11 is entitled, "Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools". This short story covers my life as a widowed, single mother in the era when I juggled both motherhood and my career as a journeywoman electrician. The previous short story is #10 is entitled, "Early Life Lessons & Characters To Meet As An Apprentice". If anyone has read any of my other previous short stories, let me know your thoughts? Feel free to go ahead and check out the many links for my book #ConstructionTales down below. Figure out what's for lunch on your Tuesday and finish out your day how you need to do. Have yourself a great morning/afternoon/evening on your side of the globe and a restful or productive day!
Photo Credit: Safety First Training Academy Logo Link To Construction Tales: Volume I: A Woman's Journey To Become An Electrician (Paperback & Kindle) On Amazon: Link To Construction Tales: A Young Person's Guide To Accomplish Anything In Life (Paperback & Kindle) On Amazon: U.S.A.: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: United Kingdom: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: France, Belgium, Switzerland: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Use This Link For The Audio Version Of My Book #ConstructionTales On Audible: VERBALLY DISASTROUS PODCAST EPISODE LINKS: Here is the link to the Verbally Disastrous Podcast on Spotify: Verbally Disastrous! Season #1, Episode #43: Part A- Tramping In Cali! on YouTube: Verbally Disastrous! Season #1, Episode #44: Part B- Tramping In Cali! on YouTube: Verbally Disastrous! Season #1, Episode #45: Part C- Tramping In Cali! on YouTube: Verbally Disastrous! Season #2, Episode #46:Early Life Lessons & Characters To Meet As An Apprentice On YouTube: Verbally Disastrous Podcast! S#2, Ep. #47: Part A- Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools on YouTube: Verbally Disastrous Podcast! S#2, Ep. #48: Part B- Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools on YouTube: Verbally Disastrous Podcast- S#2, Episode #49: Just Released Not All Girls Play With Dolls!! on YouTube: Verbally Disastrous Podcast- S#2, Episode #50: My First 7 Weeks As A Site Safety Manager on YouTube: I recently shared my latest short story that has been loaded up to my Construction Tales-Told By A Woman Kindle Vella Library on Amazon. This is short story #11 entitled, "Juggling Motherhood & Working With The Tools". This short story covers my life as a widowed, single mother in the era when I juggled both motherhood and my career as a journeywoman electrician. I share the various challenges I faced and lessons learned along the way. The previous short story is entitled: #10: "Early Life Lessons & Characters To Meet As An Apprentice". I decided to write about some life lessons such as guarding your personal information, managing nasty rumors, combating sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and racism. Overall, the construction culture has improved dramatically over the past 25-years. Developing both a thick skin and a sharp tongue are key tools needed to survive various jobsite antics. I hope you learn something from this short story. There are more to come. These short stories are now also available as Verbally Disastrous podcast episodes. Construction Tales- Told By A Woman: (11) Kindle Vella Short Stories On Amazon!! The Verbally Disastrous Store On Tee-Spring: Cheers! Leslie M. Jasper -Author And Host of the #VerballyDisastrous podcast now alive on many platforms that include: Acast, Amazon Music, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Deezer, Google Podcasts, I Heart Radio, Listen Notes, Overcast, Pandora Podcasts, Player FM, Pocket Casts, Pod Bean, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Podcast Gang, Radio Public, Reason, Soundcloud, Soundtrap, Spotify, Stitcher, Tune In, and YouTube. -The Audio Blog: Verbally Disastrous Podcast And Construction Tales Blog. Now available on: Acast, Amazon Music, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Deezer, Google Podcasts, I Heart Radio, Listen Notes, Overcast, Pandora Podcasts, Player FM, Pocket Casts, Pod Bean, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Podcast Gang, Radio Public, Reason, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, and Tune In. #womenempowerment, #CTAMarketing, #PhotacularImagery, #KindleVella, #FreeBritney, #AmazonMusic, #AnastasiaTaranenko, #Fiverr, #Tad_Art, #PandoraPodcasts, #Soundtrap, #ConstructionTales, #audio, #intro, #fun, #hot, #mess, #creations, #Connecticut, #NewYork, #family, #foolery, #podcast, #Spotify, #VerballyDisastrous, #new, #topics, #howto, #secrets, #women, #powerful, #strong, #shorts, #men, #teen, #trynottolaugh, #edgy, #realistic, #explicit, #mature, #shocking, #thoughtprovoking, #fresh, #dark, #mustwatch, #Soundcloud, #YouTube, #Johnny, #creative, #IABX, #Reddit, #community, #Leslie@VerbDisastrous, #strongwomen, #womaninconstruction, #empower, #gender, #ICanDOIT, #femalerenovator, #renovation, #project, #womanconstructionproject, #strong, #slideshow, #2013Project, #learnbywatching, #girlpower, #sheetrock, #tape, #electrical, #plumbing, #tile, #dust, #dirt, #debris, #basement, #paint, #renovate, #insulation, #hihats, #wiring, #metalstuds, #screws, #workout, #Johnny, #promo, #videos, #creative, #sons, #discusswithmom, #topics, #Tom, #openconversation, #Johnny, episodes, #LotLizard, #AmazonPrime, #video, #documentary, #Netflix, #gorillaglue, #gorilla, #glue, #spray, #gorillagluewoman, #hair, #hairsurgery, #LosAngeles, #DrObeng, #plasticsurgeon, #alcoholic, #drinks, #testing, #episodes, #release, #soon, #alcoholic #samples, #RevelStoke, #NewAmsterdam, #PinkWhitney, #WickedPickle, #BirdDog, #blackberry, #whiskey, #vodka, #99Bananas, #OleSmokey, #Tswoooh23_, #videogaming, #streaming, #OSHA502, #renewal, #trainthetrainer, #RIT, #Anchor, #Breaker, #GooglePodcasts, #PocketCasts, #RadioPublic, #article, #life, #apprentice, #ComedyCentral, #skit, #JessaReid, #ApplePodcasts, #Deezer, #Podchaser, #PodBean, #TuneIn, #Castbox, #PlayerFM, #iHeartRadio, #Stitcher, #Acast, #PodcastGang, #PodcastAddict, #ziplining, #AdventurePark, #presskit, #SayNoToRapists, #JusticeForUwa, #NotAllGirlsPlayWithDolls #Scholastic #nonfiction #bookstagram #DropEverythingAndRead #SpringBookFair2021 #LoveOfReading #Reading #ConstructionTales #books #funny #NYC #podcast #Spotify #VerballyDisastrous #bookfair #bookjoy #ReadAnywhere #LoveToRead #AllForBooks #Adult #FBF22 #LBF22 #BEA22 #IKBF22 #KLF22 #HKTDC22 #GBF22 #IIBF22 #LATFOB22 #SIBF22 #FILBO22 #EIBF22 #BAIBF22 #MIBF22 #BIDLDSP22 #BS22 #BBF22 #HIBF22 #IBTAF22 #IBBF22 #ITEF22 #JLF22 #JIBF22 #LBF22 #NDWBF22 #TiBE22 #TIBF22 #BCBF22 #LIVREPARIS22 #SDLDM22 #HBF22 #FIL22 #IIBF22 #SBF22 #BuchWein22 #VIBF22 #ADIBF22 #AIPF22 #bookstagram #book #bukuislami #bukumurah #islamicbookfair #buku #booklover #bukusejarah #buchberlin #booklove #cher #bookshelf #internationalbookfair #bookholic #jualbuku #jualbukumurah #reading #obralbuku #bukuindie #bukujogja #tokobukumurah #buchmesse #langka #pasarbuku #bukulangka #bhfyp #jualbelibukuonline #onlineshop #jualanonline #booklovers #anresbooks #readingbooks #booksofinstagram #boekuitstalling #buch #bookish #buchberlinkids #tokobukuonline #boimela #lesen #bookworm #poetry #gontor #fbm #bazarbuku #bookreview #berlin #read #writer #berlinerbuchmesse #buchmesseberlin #author #instabooks #boekverkoping #virtualbookfair #bookaddict


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