Double Quora Advice: Topics- Jail & Alternate Phrase On Singing

Photo Credit: Hello Everyone! I'm offering you a double dose of Quora advice here on a holiday Monday post Christmas in New York City. I do sincerely hope that you enjoyed your Christmas weekend with your beloved family and/or friends? I had an excellent time with my family and friends over the weekend. One of the kids got a karaoke machine for Christmas. This caused the majority of the crowd to get into singing classics and drinking beer and suck down Jell-O shots. I made the following Jell-O shots: 1) Screwball peanut butter whiskey & chocolate pudding 2) Lime Jell-O and vodka 3) cherry Starburst Jell-O and vodka 4) Blue Berry & Malibu Rum. I'm still working on sharing some more random blog topics. My latest safety topic of choice is on the evolution of the sidewalk shed. If you didn't check it out, go look ...