
Book Interview With Lawrence Wray-Updated From 2016!

Originally Posted: Sunday, February 14, 2016-UPDATED TO REFLECT OCTOBER 15, 2019 Word Press With Lawrence Wray Interview Questions- My Answers For The Interview Coming In The Future! Hello everyone!  Here are some of the questions I have filled out for an interview with author, Lawrence Wray. Here is the format.  I am keeping it that way so fellow authors can copy and paste it for their use. It may not stay that way as I see it when posted. You can cut and paste and work on your own interview. There are alot of questions to fill out so pace yourself and take your time! I hope to help some fellow authors out getting the exposure they need for their book. Good luck! I all!  I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring and do some author interviews on my blog. I’m aiming at one per week, so first come first served. Email the finished interview to  If there are any questions that you would like to have included, j...

Let's Talk Writing Book Interview: Episode 69!🤣🤣

Originally Posted: Thursday, August 25, 2016 My First Book Interview- Let's Talk Writing Episode 69 hello everyone!  Here is my very 1st first book interview with Vinny Daquino for Let's Talk Writing Episode 69: I was nervous but I believe I did okay despite feeling that way. I try to keep my composure and not let fear take over me. I am focused today on my job re-training process and doing alot of studying. Once the dust settles, I will share and praise the person who has given me this amazing opportunity. I walked away from a situation that wasn't working for me. This has required some seclusion and healing for me in order to move forward. I thank you for stopping by and reading my blogs. I surpassed 10,000 visits to my former blog at I used an email that became inactive and lost access to my 1st blog. This is my 2nd attempt at a blog that I am active on. I am frustrated but unders...

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words! My Entire Work Career!

Originally Posted: Friday, March 4, 2016 A Picture Is Indeed Worth A Thousand Words Hello everyone!  This photo represents my entire apprenticeship. Soak it in and I will try to get back to talking about it more in depth this weekend.  Cheers!  Leslie M Jasper

Photos of What Electricians Work On!

Originally Posted: Sunday, March 13, 2016 Photos of What Electricians Work On!! Hello everyone!  I wanted to share some photos of what electricians work on during the week. We move from job to job. Some I have stayed for a day. Some huge jobs I have been on lasted 2 years. I did a few different projects on the same site. I will see if I can dig up some old photos to scan. I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked to take.  Thanks for stopping by!  Cheers!  Leslie M. Jasper