Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy Your Weekend!

hello everyone, I am sharing some Thanksgiving humor and also wishing a great Thanksgiving weekend to all who celebrate. However you occupy your time this weekend, be sure to laugh, love, and enjoy the moment. Spend the time as you wish and go with what moves you. Even if it is non-conventional or it requires the most minimum effort. If you were a family member who did all of the cooking and cleaning in the past, take a vacation from it and don't feel guilty about the change. People will either understand or they don't. The people who don't understand are so accustomed to having the same people, year after year, continue doing everything for them while they sit idle. I am proposing a grass roots movement for women to create a 👊"HOLIDAY STRIKE"!!👊 hahahahaha!!! 😝 The objective should be to enjoy a simple meal and to re-charge your batteries in order to rediscover peace, light, and love. I have learned that if things don't...