*EDITED* Future Podcast Topic-Can A Relationship Be Ruined By A Woman Being “Too Independent”??
*EDITED FROM MY ORIGINAL POST DATED 3-9-17* Hello everyone! I have responded to a male friend’s previously posed question a few years ago regarding being in a relationship with a woman who is fiercely independent. He asked if attempting to date a woman who is “too independent” ruins it due to her high level of independence?? If you so desire, feel free to respectfully agree/disagree. I pondered about it and here is my well though out response: I do put thought into these types of questions because they do hit home. I may have scared off many of potential suitors in my day due to their perceptions of how an independent woman operates her life. However, I don’t believe that I missed out on relationships since they were not meant to be. Here is my list of some perceptions that independent women may possess. Here are the following negative qualities: loud obnoxious narrow minded controlling and overbearing abusive manipulating head butting of egos cheap and stingy over hyped self opi...