Combined Book Exhibit Created My #ConstructionTales Book Trailer

Hello everyone, I am sharing my book trailer that was created in a more professional manner, via The Combined Book Exhibit. I often share my trailer during book fairs on Twitter. Next weekend is the ALA Book Fair. I will be sure to follow them next weekend. 😁😁 My uncensored adult version of #ConstructionTales #books #funny #WomanInTheTrades #NYC #NextChapter My censored teen version of the book: I would be somewhat ashamed to have young people read about many of my coworker antics. I censored it so young people may read about my determination to not allow my gender to hold me back from finishing my apprenticeship. In addition, I have plenty of promo videos my son Johnny came up with the content and made it very funny! Those are on YouTube as well. As always, I appreciate you stopping by my blog and check out the book content. Cheers! Leslie M. Jasper