
Combined Book Exhibit Created My #ConstructionTales Book Trailer

Hello everyone, I am sharing my book trailer that was created in a more professional manner, via The Combined Book Exhibit. I often share my trailer during book fairs on Twitter. Next weekend is the ALA Book Fair. I will be sure to follow them next weekend. 😁😁 My uncensored adult version of #ConstructionTales #books #funny #WomanInTheTrades #NYC #NextChapter My censored teen version of the book: I would be somewhat ashamed to have young people read about many of my coworker antics. I censored it so young people may read about my determination to not allow my gender to hold me back from finishing my apprenticeship. In addition, I have plenty of promo videos my son Johnny came up with the content and made it very funny! Those are on YouTube as well. As always, I appreciate you stopping by my blog and check out the book content. Cheers! Leslie M. Jasper

My Very 1st Book Promo Video On YouTube!

Hello everyone, I am sharing my very 1st #ConstructionTales #book #funny promotional video. This was created and loaded to YouTube; courtesy of my cousin Kristina. The uncensored adult version: My deeply edited teen version: I have since become more tech savvy. I was reading the back page of the book while sharing video of a job I was working on. This was my last job that I worked with the tools. Check out this video. I will share in the next post my book trailer that was created in a more professional manner, via The Combined Book Exhibit. I have plenty of promo videos my son Johnny came up with the content and made it very funny! Those are on YouTube as well. As always, I appreciate you stopping by my blog and check out the book content. Cheers! Leslie M. Jasper

Tune Into #SecondShiftRadio Sunday January 6th @5pm!

Hey Everyone, Are you thinking about the New Year and improving your health regime? I hope you can tune in tomorrow January 6th at 5pm! I am proud to share that a coworker of mine, Kyle Johnson, is the host of a radio show based out of New York City. Kyle has an author guest he will interviewing a doctor, Dr. Michele Reed, who focuses on health routines and self care. I told him about going live on Instagram so he can have the author answer questions from interested viewers. I am following Kyle's radio program on Instagram and Twitter, using the handle @SecondShiftRadio tomorrow at 5pm. I totally plan on reminding myself to tune in and ask some questions. Of course, when ready, Kyle will be interviewing me about my book. When that time is arranged, I will share and get the word out. #NowPlaying #Sunday #SecondShiftRadio #NewYear #HealthRegimen on @TuneInRadio! #ConstructionTales #funny #books #NYC #NextChapter #WeBuildThisCity #Manhattan #WomanInTheTrade...

My Funny Interaction With A Different Construction Worker!!😜😜

Good morning everyone, Sorry I have been away for awhile. I will explain in my next post for my hiatus. Here is a funny short story I shared yesterday on Facebook: When you tell a fellow construction worker to try the #MagnoliaBakery #bananapudding bcuz it will change your life (he has the bag in hand) and he says, "no, I'm German". Then he jokes that he got German chocolate cake. He then said he has never had a banana before. I told him to gtfoh with that! Who has not eaten a banana before?? He gets wide eyed and says, "I can never eat a banana in front of other men! They will crucify me! I will have to cut it up in small pieces and hope no one notices" I started giggling while saying, "well, if you do it in my eyesight, I will just quietly ask you to caress the back of your neck and gently tug on your own hair." I stared back at him grinning from ear to ear and he said, "I knew you were a construction worker too!" I then go to tell him...

Remembering 9/11 From 17 Years Ago...

Hello everyone, I had a busy day and didn't get a chance to post. This great city was impacted in a large way 17 years ago. Just about everyone I talk to at work had a story to share about that day and the events that happened right after the Twin Towers collapsed. So many lives were impacted. We spoke about people who helped loved ones recover body parts and clean up. I wish everyone a solemn day of remembrance... Hugs, Leslie M Jasper

Rigid Pipe Install Photos-Metro North Railroad

Originally Posted: Thursday, February 19, 2015 Rigid Pipe Install Photos-Metro North Railroad Hello everyone!  I wanted to share some photos I found from around 2003. I worked on the railroad for Metro North. We were involved in replacing the electrical equipment for platforms at many train stations that took commuters into New York City for work and pleasure.  I will write about those experiences in my next book. I worked on the railroad pregnant too...interesting stories. I will talk to you all later!  Cheers!  Leslie M Jasper (Stakley)

Book Synopsis- Originally For Los Angeles Film Crew Project

Originally Posted: Monday, February 16, 2015 Book Synopsis- For Los Angeles Film Crew Project Hello everyone, I figured I would share my synopsis that I created to help a film student friend, I met a five years ago, pitch the book to her film crew. I am hoping it is what she is looking for to help the team see the vision that is the project. I am sure it will have to be fine-tuned. I will keep you posted on the status of the project when I get news. The book is going to be created into a webisode. Once created, it will be submitted to 3 Hollywood studios for submission and feedback. I am excited about seeing the project come to live on television/film.  *Update** *As of now, I have not seen any media material developed. Construction Tales is available to be created into a movie or tv show or play.* Have a great work week coming up and speak to you all soon!  Cheers!  Leslie M Jasper (future Stakley)  Construction Tales: Volume I: A W...